- SiR Let Go 歌词
- SiR
- [tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io]
听着 Listen 如果灯光全暗前我无法安然入睡 If I don't make it to my pillow 'fore these lights go out 写点关于我的,用上我的歌词 Please write about me, cite my lyrics 并牢记正是它们点亮了我的灵魂 And know they ignite my spirit 贫穷的学生反抗着压迫, Poor babies fightin' depression 为了毕业写着文章, Been writin' them essays to graduate with no stage 却连zoom会议的位置都没有,这究竟是为什么? On Zoom, motherf*cka? 给我你的链接,我会进入你的房间 Send me the link, I'll check into your room motherf*cka 在网络上来祝贺你的毕业,然后激励你继续前行 Cybercongradulate you, then purposely agitate you 问一些“当身无分文你该如何继续抗争”之类的问题 Askin' questions like "how you supposed to protest with no chest?" 心胸宽阔,但他们关闭了所有的体育馆, A big heart, but they closed down all the gyms 我希望你变得更有韧性。 Wish you had more flex 劳力士也不能使你在危险面前理智或安全。 A Rolex won't keep you sane or safe from danger 他们破坏了自然 They shut down nature 我释放愤怒的地方 Where the f*ck I'm supposed to place my anger 真是讽刺,我的正直竟会让我成为这个国家的敌人 Ironically, my honesty might make me enemy of state 我坚信上帝会用我的笔,画下他的面庞, I trust that God'll use my pen to draw his face 但我仍会将手枪别在我的腰间, Still got my pistol on my waist 如果我呐喊身边却没人听见 If I shouted ain't nobody around to hear it 那就把回声当作附和吧 How 'bout it when it echo? 我向内心深处还是孩童的我大声歌唱,他感受到了 I sing loud to talk to my inner child, he feel it 你的梦想正是由一块块积木拼接而成 Your dreams made out of Legos 我仍然伸出手去,尽管那感觉讲我折磨致死 I reach out despite the feeling they out to kill us 为了金钱而喧嚣。 Get rowdy 'bout the Pesos 关于整个制度的解决方法: The solution for this whole institution 仅仅是为了呼吸,我们需要释怀 Just to breathe, we need to let go 我们需要释怀 Oh, we need to let go 我们需要释怀 Oh, we need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 哦,我们需要释怀 Oh, we need to let go 七磅重的血肉(心脏)悬挂着 Seven pounds of flesh will hang out 当它刺穿了你的背心并且尖声嘶鸣着 When it pierce your vest and it rang out 这让你的挚友们失声痛哭 And them tears your best friend is cryin' 它似乎不会停止,仅仅是 It appears won't rest, but a page out 生命之书的一页,祈祷 Of the book of life, sh*t, pray loud 永远不要只带一把刀去枪战 Never took a knife to a gunfight 父亲即将被三振出局(没了机会) Pops got two strikes from the umpire 停止照明,两种权利压在一个废轮胎上 Stop light, two rights on a bumped tire 警笛急促,警灯闪烁,勒令我将车停下 And the sirens push red and blue lights, told me pull over 我本应感到安全些,但老旧丰田车上过期的牌照 I should feel safer but expired plates on old Toyotas 意味着我付不起那两个种族歧视者开出的罚单 Means I can't afford to pay tickets to two these racist rollers 他们可以开枪,说到底,我的家庭支付不起昂贵的律师费 They could pull the trigger, family can't afford to pay the lawyer 说出那个词, Say the word 他们告诉我你可以去监狱了 They tell me you got the access to a league of warriors 双眼未曾见过天堂为黑人准备了什么 Eyes haven't seen what heaven keeps in store for us 但这里有更多同胞, There's more of us 在今世,我们负担不起战争的代价 But in this life some wars we can't afford 我在他们谋杀了George Floyd 这天写下了这首歌 I wrote this the day they killed George Floyd George,我们不会忘记你的遭遇。 We won't forget your story 如果我呐喊身边却没人听见 If I shouted ain't nobody around to hear it 那就把回声当作附和吧 How 'bout it when it echo? 我向内心深处还是孩童的我大声歌唱,他感受到了 I sing loud to talk to my inner child, he feel it 你的梦想正是由一块块积木拼接而成 Your dreams made out of Legos 我仍然伸出手去,尽管那感觉讲我折磨致死 I reach out despite the feeling they out to kill us 为了金钱而发狂。 Get rowdy 'bout the Pesos 关于整个制度的解决方法: The solution for this whole institution 仅仅是为了呼吸,我们需要释怀 Just to breathe, we need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 我们需要释怀(不,我们已经太多次妥协了,兄弟) We need to let go (nah, bro, we done let go one too many times, my n*gga) 受够了保持耐心,给谋杀者一条绳子,他会用做绞刑 F*ck bein' patient, give a pig a rope he'll make a noose 受够了“释怀”之类的言论,我需要的是爆发 And f*ck lettin' go I'm all 'bout lettin' loose 武器证明了言语之贱 Weapons prove that talk is cheap 用粉笔标记了尸体的地点,那些动脉在何处 Chalk'll mark the spot, where are they arteries 释放那些已经冰冷的血液,这操作人尽皆知 Release the coldest blood that's known from West to East 我们已经倾向于落入骗子的圈套 And we're prone to trust the liar 尽管他们脚踩着我们的脖子 Even though they test they feet upon our neck 或用膝盖顶住我们的脊梁,直到我们窒息而死 Or shove their knee on our spine 'til we rest in peace 他们从不落入法网 And they never get convicted 因为这腐败的体系包庇着他们为非作歹 'Cause this crooked ass system protects they peeps 他们杀了她的叔叔,现在谁又能保护她的侄子呢?! They killed her uncle, now who's gon protect they niece 我们为他们建成金字塔,他们为什么还要在贫民区用我们实验 We built the pyramids, why do they still experiment on the ghetto 曾被教导生活在同一土地上,你就是我的兄弟 Was taught that if you walked the earth you are my fellow 我一定太过天真,因为我穿梭于黑白之间,寻找那些胆小鬼。 Must be naive 'cause I weave through all this black and white searchin' for yellow 我坚定信念,从不让它失掉 I hold on to my faith and never let go (让伤痛)逝去吧 I'm 'bout to let go 如果我呐喊身边却没人听见 If I shouted ain't nobody around to hear it 那就把回声当作附和吧 How 'bout it when it echo? 我向内心深处还是孩童的我大声歌唱,他感受到了。 I sing loud to talk to my inner child, he feel it 你的梦想正是由一块块积木拼接而成 Your dreams made out of Legos 我仍然伸出手去,尽管那感觉讲我折磨致死 I reach out despite the feeling they out to kill us 为了金钱而喧嚣。 Get rowdy 'bout the Pesos 关于整个制度的解决方法: The solution for this whole institution 仅仅是为了呼吸,我们需要释怀 Just to breathe, we need to let go 我们需要释怀 Oh, we need to let go 我们需要妥协 We need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 我们需要妥协 We need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 我们需要妥协 We need to let go 我们需要释怀 We need to let go 我们需要妥协 We need to let go