- Grace Carter Fired Up 歌词
- Grace Carter
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我爱你,从未感到过悔恨之意 Diving into you with no regrets 初识的害羞青涩早已不在,所有的时间只想和你一起度过 No more phases, no more time to waste it 情愫的悄然滋长,可我们我们彼此都只说着,只是朋友而已 Starting out, we're nothing more than friends 素雅,平淡的日子,由你绘出绚丽色彩 Empty pages, fillin' in the spaces 我知道有时我表现的不尽人意 Oh, I know I'm the worst sometimes 心的创伤因你而起,但你是知晓的,对吧 I've been hurt, but you know that, right? 我爱你,无怨无悔 Loving you, I never ask why 从未与他人有过如此怦然心动的触动 'Cause I've never felt like this with anybody 我曾不确信我们是否会爱得义无反顾,如今,我无比钟情于你 I wasn't sure of us, but now you got me 我想展现出我对你的热爱,向所有人宣誓你的主权 'Cause I wanna scream it out, tell everybody 情难自禁的爱你 I'm all fired up, I'm all fired up 我曾经的每一次虔诚的祈祷,你都给予我回应 Looking back, you answered all my prayers 我曾遍体鳞伤,但之后你出现在我生活的每一处,将我治愈 I was aching, but then you came and saved me 现在,我满怀的欣喜都因你而跳动 Now my heart is beating out my chest 也许,我如此的激进,毫不掩饰对你的爱,但是我们便是命中注定 Oh, I feel naked, but what we got is sacred 我知道有时我表现的不尽人意 Oh, I know I'm the worst sometimes 心的创伤因你而起,但你是知晓的,对吧 I've been hurt, but you know that, right? 我爱你,无怨无悔 Loving you, I never ask why 从未与他人有过如此怦然心动的触动 'Cause I've never felt like this with anybody 我曾不确信我们是否会爱得义无反顾,如今,我无比钟情于你 I wasn't sure of us, but now you got me 我想展现出我对你的热爱,向所有人宣誓你的主权 'Cause I wanna scream it out, tell everybody 情难自禁的爱你 I'm all fired up, I'm all fired up 从未与他人有过如此怦然心动的触动 'Cause I've never felt like this with anybody 你将我紧紧拥入怀中,我是否可以理解为;你爱我的举动 The way that you hold me, I can tell you want me 当你伴随在我身旁,两俱身体的灵魂注入了新生 When I feel you near, we're more than just two bodies 情难自禁的爱你 I'm all fired up, I'm all fired up 我们不时都会为他人的言论指责而焦虑 We can all get scared sometimes 可我们却不会表现出来 But we don't wanna show it 在我们将其释怀之前 All before we throw it all away 我们会将其迎刃而解 We got to make it right 遵从心中的想法 I'ma just be honest 保持对本心的解释权 I'ma keep it honest 从未与他人有过如此怦然心动的触动 'Cause I've never felt like this with anybody 我曾不确信我们是否会爱得义无反顾,如今,我无比钟情于你 I wasn't sure of us, but now you got me 万分的焦虑和胆怯于迈出那一步 (Wasn't sure, wasn't sure, wasn't sure, wasn't sure, yeah) 我想展现出我对你的热爱,向所有人宣誓你的主权 'Cause I wanna scream it out, tell everybody 情难自禁的爱你 I'm all fired up, I'm all fired up 从未与他人有过如此怦然心动的触动 'Cause I've never felt like this with anybody 从未有过如此心动的欣喜 (I've never felt like this before) 你将我紧紧拥入怀中,我是否可以理解为;你爱我的举动 The way that you hold me, I can tell you want me 你也如我这般的爱着我 (Know you want, know you want, know you want, know you want me) 当你伴随在我身旁,两俱身体的灵魂注入了新生 When I feel you near, we're more than just two bodies 情难自禁的爱你 I'm all fired up, I'm all fired up 爱你,情难自禁 I'm all fired up