- Mat Kearney Shasta 歌词
- Mat Kearney
故乡总是提醒着我 Hometown remind me 我从何处而来 Where I come from 在所有劳碌奔波的日子之前 Before the days of the hit and run 从那暗淡的蓝色灯光下逃脱 Running from the blue lights 跳上一班午夜的列车 Jumping trains in midnight 从未更加孤单 从未如此清醒 Never more alone or more alive 在体育馆连进三球已是很久以前 Hat tricks in the stadium 宝贝 我们已行之甚远 Baby look how far we've come 一路都是随意丢弃般的意外与不幸 Casualties are littered all the way 因为我们还有数英里的路要行走 Cause we got miles left to go 到我也并不知晓的尽头 To a place that I don't know 他们告诉我这路的地面金光粲然 可我却无从看见 They told me the ground was gold but I can't see it 最后一次走过树林 One last time through the woods 在我老旧的故里街道 In my old neighborhood 苦乐之感都如此强烈以至我无法相信 It tastes so bittersweet I can't believe it 手掌抚过水泥地面 Hands in the cement 望过天花板上斑驳的贴纸 Stickers on the ceiling 对着狼人的传说入眠 Falling asleep to the werewolves 突然踩下v-dub离合器的踏板 Pop the clutch on the v-dub 向你的窗户掷去石块 Throwing pebbles at your window 当我们在倾盆大雨里嬉游 As we roll away in the pouring rain 踏着灯塔的光深夜拜访 Call at you all the tower lights 在圣善夜里放声歌唱 Singing out in the holy night 主告诉我 你我缘分未尽 Lord tell me you're not done with me 我们还有数英里的路要行走 we got miles left to go 到我也并不知晓的尽头 To a place that I don't know 他们告诉我这路的地面金光粲然 可我却无从发现 They told me the ground was gold but I can't see it 最后一次走过树林 One last time through the woods 在我老旧的故里街道 In my old neighborhood 苦乐如之感此强烈以至我无法相信 It tastes so bittersweet I can't believe it 纯真青涩渐渐褪去 Innocence yeah die slowly 我们都在沉沦 在荣誉的光辉里 We're all falling, in the glory 纯真青涩渐渐褪去 Innocence yeah die slowly 我们都在沉沦 We're all falling down 但故乡总是让我回忆起 Hometown remind me 我原本的土地与根基 Where I come from 在所有劳碌奔波的日子之前 Before the days of the hit and run 那记忆里的苔藓与松林 The moss and the pine trees 我仍能尝到咖啡因的苦涩 I can taste the caffeine 你看向我时眼中燃着的焰光 多么明亮 How the fiery blaze when you look at me