- Monstercat Fighter 歌词
- Monstercat
- There has always been a fighter inside of you
你的内心深处驻守着一位战士 He knows when you're getting lost 当你不知所措时,他深知你的难处 He takes you back to reality (reality, reality) 解救你于水火之中(把你拉出深渊) When there's nowhere to hide 无处匿踪之际 He'll fight on your side (your side, your side) 他便为你遮风挡雨(保你平安无事) He takes you back to the age of safety and security 带领你返回太平盛世 Now you know you'll never be, never be on your own 如今你明知褪去旧躯,索性就换上新壳吧 Cause by the wreck of these ends 因为哪怕最后伤痕累累 You can recover your sanity 仍然可以恢复理智 All you need to regret is the things that you lost (lost, lost) 你需要反思你的过错(汲取失败教训) Now I have 而眼下我亟待解决的 Fought for a way to exit my insanity 不过是驱除我心中疯狂的另一面 He's a fighter 秉持坚忍不拔的理念 He's a fighter 兼怀无私奉献的精神 When there's no coming back 危急存亡之秋 He's a fighter 战士挺身而出 He's a fighter 继而勇往直前 He's a fighter 然后一鼓作气 When there's no coming back 灾难和坎坷面前 He's a fighter 斗士之魂终会彰显