- 作词:林楷翰、蔡丞峯、高林俊锜、黄竞立
I been tell y'all This shit gone cray 他们都不相信 都说我在吹 Pocket都是beat 我们没有在废 往前一踏 We gone break this shit
They keep falling down just like domino 只因为不太懂 The gaming rule They keep falling down just like domino 只因为不太懂 The gaming rule You can't defined my word it's ok ,I'm willing to wait看亮的风景 You can't defined my word it's ok ,I'm willing to wait看亮的风景
Spend 2 years tryna heal my soul Shit happens daily, they come and go I don't care bout watchu say Shit bout get 力, super saiyan I'm on my way, let's hit a lick I rob your bank and leave a kiss don't touch my game and mind your biz 你是为了钱 我是为了命 Spend time and money So I can let my gear level up I grind harder than you thought I know we always on the top Head to the destination we dream about it Never switch our course Got a pack of brothas hold my back I never get lost ROOF DAWG
正当我感受两种自己 死命放纵情绪 转身就掉进山洞里 不停地来回穿梭频率 发出讯号搜寻 声音带我搭直升机
在我的宇宙 度过四季 搭起帐篷 自己适应 每个午后 堆起纸笔 踏出洞 换金和纸币 Money talk Money talk 每颗牙亮得像镶金过 我唇红齿白但唱新货 低着头听着我上顶楼 凶手是谁 推你下楼 他说谁下手 不重要 我知道谁 还没松手 同种tone调 才重要 爱才重要了 感受放胸口 都市中还能够梦游仙境 梦游在丛林 找寻着目的 宿命像彗星不停前进
I been tell y'all This shit gone cray 他们都不相信 都说我在吹 Pocket都是beat 我们没有在废 往前一踏 We gone break this shit They keep falling down just like domino 只因为不太懂 The gaming rule They keep falling down just like domino 只因为不太懂 The gaming rule You can't defined my word it's ok ,I'm willing to wait看亮的风景 You can't defined my word it's ok ,I'm willing to wait看亮的风景
Yeah I'm been tell y'all This shit gone cray 你们都不相信 Bitch I'm came from a long way 升华内敛才能以柔克刚 words from long way 就像气垫吸收创伤 bitch we are air max Bumping I'm a TW baby Oh you a pc baby 什么都要正确 Mbp still using beat太烫 logic要冷却 I'm a MVP still balling 就算收听门可罗雀 I don't fuck wit y'all 这些猴子能力有限 想抄袭我的声音 甚至是力度还有流线 他们说海水退了 没裤子才知道丢脸 不在意这些我只想要填饱我的肚子
They keep falling down, just like domino 因为不太懂 the gaming rule just like domino 只因为不太懂 The gaming rule
I been tell y'all This shit gone cray 他们都不相信 都说我在吹 Pocket都是beat 我们没有在废 往前一踏 We gone break this shit I been tell y'all