- Red Hot Chili Peppers Deep Kick 歌词
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- It started when we were little kids
[offset:-100] Free spirits but already tormented by our own hands 故事的开始,我们还只是小孩子 Given to us by our parents 无拘无束,也让自己吃过不少苦头 We got together and wrote on desks 继承了父母的基因 And slept in laundry rooms near snowy mountains 我们一起坐下来写歌 And slipped through whatever cracks we can find 在雪山脚下的洗衣房里度夜 Minds altered 哪儿有空子可钻,我们就一头扎进去 We didn't falter in portraying hysterical and tragic characters 想法在变 In a smog filled universe 不变的是我们总在这纷纷扰扰的世间 We loved the dirty city 不断上演着各自癫狂而悲情的角色 And the journeys away from it 我们热爱肮脏的城市 We had not yet been or seen our friends, selves 也热爱出逃远行 Chase tails round and round in downward spiral 我们还未真正了解彼此和我们自己 Leaving trail of irretrievable vital life juice behind 在不断下坠的漩涡里兜兜转转 Still the brothers blood comrades partner family cuzz was impenetrable 我们抛洒下无法改写的人生轨迹 And we lived inside it laughing with no clothes 割舍不掉的肝胆相照与血肉至亲 And everything experimental 'till death was upon us 我们光着膀子,彼此开怀大笑 In our face mortality and lots of things seemed futile then 我们拼了命地体验人生 But love and music can save us and did 然而面对死亡,太多事都成了徒劳 While the giant grey monster grew more poisoned and volatile around us 是爱与音乐,拯救了我们 Jaws clamping down and spewing ugly **** around 灰色的巨兽毒害着我们,不愿离去 Nothing is the same so we keep moving 它张牙舞爪,朝我们喷射毒液 We keep moving 早已时过境迁,我们继续前行 Went off and got some hair cuts 没有停下脚步 Lookin' wild and got all drugged up 出走远方,换掉发型 Hopped a train into the night 我们疯狂无度,饮鸩止渴 Got a ride with a transvestite 在黑夜里跳上过火车 Two boys in San Francisco 搭过异装癖的顺风车 Blasted off in a bart bathroom 俩小伙子跑到旧金山 Those coppers woke us up 在地铁卫生间里昏睡过去 ************* woke us up 是警察把我们叫醒了 Two young brothers on a hover craft 是那些混蛋把我们叫醒了 Telepathics love and belly laughs 俩年轻的小伙子无所事事 Storm the stage of universal 我们心灵相通,情同手足,快乐无边 Slim shine talk box go subversal 席卷全球舞台 Papa's proud and so he sent us 我们的表演颠覆常规 Pounding hearts full and relentless 老爹为我们骄傲 Two boys in London, England 他教会了我们热情与坚持 Climbing out of hostel windows 俩小伙子跑到英国伦敦 Wearing gear so out but in though 爬出旅馆的窗户 Come on kid and do the no no 穿上复古的服装 Two young brothers on a hover craft, yeah 来吧,孩子,做点不该做的事儿 Telepathics, love and belly laughs, oh yeah 俩年轻的小伙子无所事事,没错 Oh **** 心灵相通,情同手足,快乐无边,说得对 We went to Fairfax High School 噢,牛逼! Jumped off buildings into their pools 我们在费尔法克斯中学读书 We'd sit down and grease at canters 从楼顶上往下跳进游泳池 Run like hell they can't catch us 我们一起在食堂吃午餐 Two boys in L.A. proper 发疯似的乱跑,不让他们抓到咱们 Stealin' anything that we could 俩小伙子置身洛杉矶 Gotta sneak into the starwood 能偷的东西都偷过 Gotta peak into the deep good 还溜进喜达屋酒店 I remember ten years ago 瞧瞧那里的高档货 In Hollywood we did some good 我还记得,十年前 And we did some real bad stuff 在好莱坞,咱俩有过辉煌时刻 But the butthole surfers said 也的确劣迹斑斑 It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do 可菊花冲浪手乐队(美国摇滚乐队)说过 Yeah, we were young 比起不做而后悔,不如做了再后悔 We were looking, looking, looking for the deep kick 是啊,我们年轻气盛 Yeah, seen 'em come, 'em go seen, gettin' close to you 我们找寻着,到处找寻着,找寻着最爽的体验