- K. Zoom Unknowns 歌詞
- Jbro K. Zoom
- JBro
心魔纏身,試圖躲避 Running running in the room 已經沒有什麼可以再失去的了 I got nothing left to lose 獨自來到房頂喝波本威士忌 Drinking bourbon on the roof 也許我應該做一些不正當的事情 Prolly I should start to loot 這樣未來我就會有自己的雙門轎車 One day I' ll get my coupe 人們互相在競爭 People side by side to race 這讓我不知道我的命運是什麼 And I don't know what's my fate 生活著沒有留下任何印記 Living life without a trace 我想我需要一點信仰 I should have a little faith 當代的嘻哈已不再罕見 Modern Hip hop ain't no rare 年輕人們總是開著派對 Young's party in high gear 誰說男人不能流眼淚 Who said man can't never tear? 從一開始什麼都不會到漸入佳境 Started from the bottom now we here K.zoom: I dont know when to say wassup yeah I dont know where to say wassup yeah I dont know who to say wassup to I dont know why we say wassup 關於未來我從來沒想過多大 一步一個腳印時刻記著欲速不達 都說笨鳥先飛我從來都天黑出發 no more peace 我可以等 但別管我嬉笑怒罵 但別管我嬉笑怒罵 誰管我嬉笑怒罵 別管我嬉笑怒罵 別管我嬉笑怒罵*4 灼熱的靈魂和滾燙血液 全都交給這冰冷的軀幹 管好該管的千萬別越界 別的都交給時間來宣判 no more love 時間來宣判 我的未來真實絢爛 做得不夠我就再換 Kz in the house say what 我從不怠慢*4 J Bro: 心魔纏身,試圖躲避 Running running in the room 已經沒有什麼可以再失去的了 I got nothing left to lose 獨自來到房頂喝波本威士忌 Drinking bourbon on the roof 也許我應該做一些不正當的事情 Prolly I should start to loot 這樣未來我就會有自己的雙門轎車 One day I'll get my coupe 人們互相在競爭 People side by side to race 這讓我不知道我的命運是什麼 And I don't know what's my fate 生活著沒有留下任何印記 Living life without a trace 我想我需要一點信仰 I should have a little faith 當代的嘻哈已不再罕見 Modern Hip hop ain't no rare 年輕人們總是開著派對 Young's party in high gear 誰說男人不能流眼淚 Who said man can't never tear? 從一開始什麼都不會到漸入佳境 Started from the bottom now we here 花費時間想一句押韻 I spending my time making a rhyme 我都是自己做音樂,我希望你能和我站在一邊 I do it my own, I wish you were on my side 真正的鑽石最終都會被發現 The diamond eventually has time to shine 做我的音樂沒有他人的指導 Making my music no one to advise 當我不行的時候,我會讓出麥克風 When I can't handle it , I'll pass the mic 心比天高 People always say heart over height 君子動口不動手 What I'm saying is talk over fight 但是人們的言語可能比刀還鋒利 Humans word may sharp as knife 多少次需要提醒人們 How many times need to ring the bell? 說唱遊戲已經不再簡單 The rap game is deep as hell 想過山車一樣,請係好安全帶 It's a rollercoaster, tight the seatbelt 很多次我差點摔倒 several times I almost fell 微薄收入這沒什麼 how much I did, I said zero sell 環境不好也沒什麼 it's not a shame to work in cell 生死平行 life and death are parallel 我需要一層堅硬的外殼 I'm fragile I need a shell
當下誰才是最'real'的 nowadays who's the realest 有時最好還是做現實主義 Sometimes need to be realist 錢和名譽是冷酷的 Money and fame are the cruelest 另外一首歌'famous'正在製作 I'm making another song called famous 幻想著成為歷史最佳 First name ever, last name greatest 不去學習基礎白日夢是不會成真的 Daydream not gonna happen if yall not going to learn the basis
心魔纏身,試圖躲避 Running running in the room 已經沒有什麼可以再失去的了 I got nothing left to lose 獨自來到房頂喝波本威士忌 Drinking bourbon on the roof 也許我應該做一些不正當的事情 Prolly I should start to loot 這樣未來我就會有自己的雙門轎車 One day I'll get my coupe 人們互相在競爭 People side by side to race 這讓我不知道我的命運是什麼 And I don't know what's my fate 生活著沒有留下任何印記 Living life without a trace 我想我需要一點信仰 I should have a little faith 當代的嘻哈已不再罕見 Modern Hip hop ain't no rare 年輕人們總是開著派對 Young's party in high gear 誰說男人不能流眼淚 Who said man can't never tear? 從一開始什麼都不會到漸入佳境 Started from the bottom now we here