- Quinn葵因 20 (Live in Neverland) 歌詞
- Quinn葵因
- 編曲: Quinn
在20歲之前 Before 20 我曾經有過機會但沒有把握 I had a hand that I didnt hold. 有滿腹的故事卻無從去說 Had a story that wasnt told. 有著夢想卻仍在路上 Had a dream that is work in progress. 有著寶貴如金子卻孤獨困頓的心臟 Had a lonely heart of gold. 有一個沉睡時不可或缺的枕頭 Had a pillow that I need to sleep with. 也有兩個我愛的人卻互相憎恨 Had two people I love hate each other. 幻想著永不到來的浪漫 Dream of romance that never happened. 但惡魔卻經常造訪 But the ghost it visits me often. 在走廊的盡頭流盡眼淚 Had some tears shed in the end of hallways. 懷著自以為可以修復的破損的心 Had the broken heart I thought I fixed. 不得不到處奔波,用乞求來取悅他們 Had to run around, beg around to please them. 不得不看著你死去 Had to watch you die. 看著你死去 Had to watch you die. 日記被鎖起來,被偷竊 Had a diary locked and stolen. 戴著不想要帶上的帽子 Had a hat you dont wanna keep. 擁有了不敗的榮耀之夜 Had a kick-ass night of glory. 也有那一剎那我以為你愛過我 Had a moment I thought you loved me. 我從未想過未來會是什麼樣子 Oh I never thought of what the future might be. 我也從不關心現實 Oh I never cared about reality. 直到20歲的時候 Until 20. 看吧 See.
20歲的人生到底有多驚艷 20年過去只能感嘆光陰似箭 20歲前最怕的是夢想停滯不前 20歲後只渴望能一直永不停歇 20歲 我看不清腳下的路,便駐足 被束縛,懼怕思想上禁錮和恥辱 20歲 步伐太慢,想要的人都怠慢 越想越慌越凌亂,於是加快這一段 多少話,多麼的假 多少人眼瞎說我的音樂差 多少人試圖給我留傷疤 多少人說我的beat太拖沓 告訴你我的旋律是無價的天煞的 變冷吧 我的天賦在那兒不添油加醋的 Just chill 這是我的flow 聽過還不夠 而我從不將就 我寫歌沒鍵盤 想要錄歌沒有麥克風 不要drama填補靈感空洞 設備簡陋照樣寫出恍然如夢 20年是我的一個秘密 我把一切交給音樂沒人好奇原因 當我哭當我笑當我動情 20 它讓整個人短暫並燦爛地活過 好的壞的難過的開心的 20 20 As good as bad as sad or glad as 說吧它是誰 20 白駒過隙 Says who is that? 20 Things change so fast. 我希望可以永遠20歲 20 我希望我能陷入其中 I hope it lasts; 20 I wish I'm trapped in 它是我陶醉其中的原因 20 20 Thats why I'm so fascinated about 我錯過了很多本該發生的事情 20 20 I missed so much that should have happened in 我從未戰勝現實 20 20 I never win over reality. 記憶被拋來拋去 20 20 The memories are tossed and casted by 我從未走出20歲 20 I never graduated from 20 我抗過了悲傷 失去所有信仰 止不住淚流淌 我無所謂卻迷茫 20年說再見 不要帶著抱歉 我又回到起點 我飛翔無界限 我保證不緊張 或許有些惆悵 不提高不高尚 我知道了你告訴我的事情 因為手槍已上膛 我感覺心臟砰砰跳動 I know what you told me. 我拿著這把 I'm feeling my heartbeat. 通往虛幻的鑰匙 I'm holding this key, 20 To this fantasy. 好的壞的難過悲傷 20 20 As good as bad as sad or glad as 說吧它是什麼 20 轉瞬即逝 Says who is that? 20 Things change so fast. 我希望我可以永遠陷入其中 20 20 I hope it lasts i wish I'm trapped in 它是我陶醉其中的原因 20 20 Thats why I'm so fascinated about 我錯過了很多本該發生的事情 20 20 I missed so much that should have happened in 我從未戰勝現實 20 20 I never win over reality. 記憶被拋來拋去 20 20 The memories are tossed and casted by 我從未走出20歲 20 20 I never graduated from 20