- lows0n 沒關係我還可以哭 歌詞
- lows0n
- 作詞:lows0n
keep on waiting for the chance for the new way TV show and competition they aint real things scoping to another filed i can deal in my life Dont bother me I move like a lil 137 Woo I can move every loop 不服輸就算拿負數也做的酷 臉頰從來不發燙是鎮定後的color I run with my time不管還剩幾個hour 採訪選秀not chill 它打擾我的life am i wrong 緣由不休地質問how we run me the money run run me the money 點清你的money 等價交換我的rubbish
do not bother me how you still in my way act like you know me well do not follow me there is nobody I trust I can get them out now
move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137
yeah 不像是她們明爭暗鬥 我備好雙倍積分等到結局輕鬆換購 討厭參與diss my crew 站穩插好旗子 下好棋子ma boy always call me miss 'miss' ya 閉塞的圈不乏藏污垢的敗類 沒把我放在眼裡就麻煩別looking round me 不認識的人嘴巴里也會聽到my name 沒力度的hands I dont think I'm about to shake ya I dont think I 'm about to play 搞清楚結構主謂 做鏡頭前的傀儡強行裝大的咖 who knows you 不優秀就be careful 勿逗留 看自己欺騙自己 最後才問who kill you yeah yeah I say 我想你忍得住 為了利沉著氣丟了一開始的你 所以別把我們輕而易舉就能混為一談 得到的都是我應得的但我本沒期盼 我把它們視為運氣 收穫都是好命 每當收到心的訊息 回首來時的腳印 我是逍遙的走來還是不後悔的離yeah 掃清障礙其實也不費多少力yeah
do not bother me how you still in my way act like you know me well do not follow me there is nobody I trust I can get them out now move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move like lil137 move likelil137