- Amorphis black river 歌詞
- Amorphis
- Still searching for my way, the right way to be
長路漫漫上下求索前途茫茫明燈何方 still pondering what Ive done 不捨思量昔日吾為 Im still thinking what Ive said, still finding from within 不捨默想昔日吾語不捨追尋反求諸己 and all that I know is still not enough 世界至大吾識至寡 Im being held by the one 陰影籠罩兮 shadow tormenting my soul 扼吾魂魄 the curving neck of a swan 鴻鵠曲項兮 the slow turning of a birds head 靈首轉緩 So white its plumes and feathers 其羽無瑕兮其衿潔白 its breast like the moon in water 其胸皎澄兮如水之月 silent and tranquil it moves 乘流遨遊兮澹澹乎靜 on the river in the calm 萬籟俱寂兮浮於波上 I wander back on familiar roads 徘徊故道兮輾轉反側 I sense the marks I left on the hills 履跡遺山兮嘆時感懷 I see the cuts and wounds of my deeds 吾行有失兮傷痕斑駁 they make me muse on life 人生苦思兮蓋無窮已 Up the hill and the mountain 逾嶂越嶺 I look back, I look down 回首垂目 there flows the River of Death 滾滾冥河從此逝 and here the wind in my hair 唯有長風拂吾發