- Jaden Let It Breathe 歌詞
- WILLOW Jaden
- Doin' what we ain't 'posed to, girl, that's why I chose you
I don't want to impose, just listen close to my poems Girl don't worry, ain't nobody know This the type of stuff a joker keepin' on the low 我們都不是循規蹈矩之人這就是為什麼我喜歡你 Cause girl you know you're beautiful, a space kitten 我不愛強加於人懂的人自然會諦聽我的傑作 Relationships are messed up but your face isn't 乖別擔心沒人知道的 Used to taste like Jolly Ranchers, kisses, now they taste different 這些沒品的人如同跳梁小丑 Michael Jordan say 'Hey Pippen', weightliftin' 寶貝你知道你是宇宙無敵大美妞 I hate sippin' 即使我們的關係一團糟你依舊美得清新動人 Ain't listen, paint glistenin' from the renaissance 你的吻曾甜過水果糖但今非昔比 Got a problem with the weather, fix it in the tennis box 邁克爾·喬丹念叨著皮蓬(美國籃球運動員)是個大扛 Black helicopters, even let my menace watch 小口啜飲的矯情鬼給爺爬 Keep it clean as Mr. Clean so jokers wear my Dennis socks 我無懈可擊文藝復興時就已聲名遠揚 Look what I invented, y'all 心情不好就鑽進球盒裡一待 Hit it with a tennis ball, no consent, I rented y'all 老子的黑色直升機他們只有給跪的份兒 Land in the center, y'all, 3 dimes and a nickel 它乾淨得像衰人的錢包底兒這種人混個低配版的我就謝天謝地去吧 3 dimes and I write the reciprocal with a pencil 來看看我整了個啥 Luckily I'm your principal, luckily there's no principles 拿網球玩兒去吧別理我都給你們了 Except that you're invincible, only weakened the intervals 家搬到市中心對我來說小菜一碟 So listen close 我用鉛筆寫對數
我做你們導師就是這麼來去自由偷著樂去吧 [Jaden & Willow :] 除非你比我強否則你的把戲對我就是撓痒癢 You might not like me 所以好好聽著吧 But I like you You might not like me But I like you 你可能厭惡我 (We should just let it breathe 但我喜歡你 Let it breathe, let it) 你可能厭惡我
但我喜歡你 I love you, without a reason 我們鬆口氣吧 Like a baby was teethin', knew you 'fore I was breathin' 先鬆口氣再說 People say I'm a heathen, a Hollywood fugitive Trippin' on some stupid ish, it's really just some ludicrous 愛你不需理由 Like 'Who is this?' Oh he talk a lot of mess and bro 像是命中註定一樣在學會呼吸前我就認得你 I'm too legit, you see that symbol on my chest 人們說我走火入魔是個好萊塢逃犯 So you should move and sit, because you'll leak it to the press 沒錯我是犯過錯但只是一時糊塗 If I sneeze in front of you, put my steez in front of you 說過一些像“這是誰” 一類的胡話但是兄dei Me and Moises whippin' the Porsche and we ease in front of you 看看我胸前紋了什麼你就知道我為人怎樣了 What you wanna do? 所以別搞這些小動作了乖乖坐好別給爺裹亂 As long as there ain't helicopters I'm down to chill 如果我在你面前無所顧忌 I don't wanna call my father but swear that I will 和妞兒鑽進保時捷當著你不可描述 Just to conversate and then I'll take care of the bill 你作何感想 Man I never thought I'd fly off to Paris for real 直升機還沒到我就擱這兒一躺 And all of my parents for real 給我爸打電話的事兒先擱一擱 Man I start to see how fictional characters feel 隨便聊幾句然後就去數錢 And that issue embarrass me still 以前從未想過飛去巴黎 Oh don't worry lil' homie, take care of the will 和我父母一起 Polly's gone, but he left me his parrot, it's trill 開始體會到虛構人物的生活 He says 'Redrum, redrum' 這事屬實讓我難堪 He says 'Redrum, redrum', he says 'Redrum, redrum' 哦別擔心了小老弟保存好你的期望 And they run, they run Polly走了但他的鸚鵡還在還會顫音 And they come, they come 他說著'兇手兇手' And they run, they run 他說著'兇手兇手' 他說著'兇手兇手'
然後他們逃走逃走 Sidelines in pride times, no lions 然後他們逃走逃走 I'm so lyin' if I say I wasn't tryin' to buy into these games 然後他們逃走逃走 Cupid ain't do no flyin', angels ain't do no cryin', just sighin' I am 14, I got knots, there will be no tyin' 傲慢的時光無所忌憚 No Mayan can tell me what time I'ma find my mind 如果我說我不想趟渾水那我一定是在撒謊 So when I'm in my deathbed dyin' 丘比特沒在飛天使沒有哭只是在嘆氣 Imma be in some high end clothes with a MSFTS tie in my hand 我14歲有自己的心事無法平復 With that red loud siren 沒有瑪雅人來告訴我如何尋找本我 I won't be denyin' my evil deeds 所以當我奄奄一息時 I'll be at Heaven's gate with a crowbar pryin' 我會穿著華服手拿MSFTS(Jaden主理的街頭品牌)領帶 While they're screamin, 'Don't let this guy in' 和那個紅色高音汽笛一起 Feelin' sorry for myself, Catcher in the Rye-in' 我不會否認我做過的惡行 Then I woke up lyin' on the beach 我會站在天堂大門前用撬棍撬開門鎖 Where am I? 他們尖叫著'別讓這小子進來' One more for the kids before they go to sleep 真是抱歉哦我天生是個捕手 Love is just so nonexistent in my existence 然後我在海灘上醒來 So that's why I was so persistent in that first quick instant 我在哪 That we laid eyes 小孩睡前再給他們講個故事 If young love for them is 16 then we must be infants 愛情在我的生命裡從未存在 Cause this is intense, but I'm an eyewitness at love at first sight 這就是為什麼我執著於那瞬間的悸動 But this is just different than anything I've been in 我們四目相對 Cause it feels infinite 如果對他們來說16歲都算早戀那我們肯定還算是嬰兒 Most things that you think will last will pass in the blink of a lash 這衝動如此強烈但我就是個憑第一眼跟著感覺走的人啊 So I think I will submerge my feelings to complete this task 但這種感覺非比尋常 And best believe I'll drown before I letus crash 因為它綿延無邊 And seal it from the past 腦海中的思念無邊無際無法停止 Jeez 所以我只好淹沒在這無際的思念中完成我的使命
如果我的存在會讓你受傷我將自我了結 The girl I could never have is elegant and intelligent 讓往事塵封 And I just kind of fell but I'm irrelevant in her eyes 天吶 And this is somethin' I can settle with I'm pourin' out my heart, and girl it's kind of for the Hell of it 那個我永遠得不到的女孩睿智文雅 Girl you know that I ain't celibate 我無法自拔而她卻無視我 I know who your fellow is but we can walk the park 而我可以承受這些 We can talk and we embellish in the creatures after dark 為她我願奉上真心那女孩是我的致命毒藥 Cause I know that I'm a rebel kid, we come from different elements 你知道我不想一直單著啊 But baby girl I can tell I get 我認識你的同伴但我們可以一起逛公園 On your nerves, I'm watchin' you observe 可以一直聊到天黑無所顧忌盡情享樂 It's like the world's an ocean and I watch while you emerge 因為我知道我是個紈絝子弟我們來自兩個星球 You the center of attention, girl, no matter what occurs 但女孩我懂你 Cause this youth is like a curse, but it's also like a blessing 那些小心思我可一清二楚呢 Cause I keep these jokers guessing, MSFTS rep is what I'm dressed in 感覺彷彿世界是一片汪洋我等著你的出現 'Til these jokers learn a lesson 我不管其他人你才是唯一焦點寶貝 If you messin' with my clique, I suggest you get to steppin' 因為我的青春既像是被下了咒語又像是被祝愿保佑 Girl, you' re like Juliet with your nurse 因為我讓這些憨憨摸不著頭腦老子一身都是MSFTS rep And you're lookin' so pretty and I've just been on a search 直到他們得到教訓 You're the type of girl that I couldn't just write a verse 如果你來我地盤找麻煩建議親給老子爬 So I hit it with the poetry, hopin' that it 'll work 女孩你美得像朱麗葉一般 Ifit doesn't then it's fine cause I'll just handle the jerks 是那種長在我審美上的美啊 Girl I'm playin', no I'm serious, that's just one of my perks 你的特別我根本無法用詞句表達 If we're friends then it's cool, just know that we were here first 所以我開始寫詩希望能完美描述你 Through the thick and the thin and now we're here 'til it hurts 如果還不奏效也沒關係我文筆真是有夠拙略
女孩我是玩玩哦不我是認真的前半句是瞎說的 [Jaden & Willow:] 如果我們是朋友那就太棒了只是還不確定我算不算你的朋友 Baby girl you got me floatin' down 由遠及近我們慢慢靠近直到嚐到苦頭 Anywhere you wanna go Baby girl you got me floatin' down We can take it really slow 寶貝兒你讓我無法自拔 Baby girl you got me floatin' down 不論你想去哪 We can keep it on the low 寶貝兒你讓我無法自拔 Baby girl you got me floatin' down 我們可以慢慢來 And I didn't even know 寶貝兒你讓我無法自拔 (This was just a crush 我們可以低調一點 This was just a crush 寶貝兒你讓我無法自拔 This was just a crush) 而我甚至沒察覺到
(這就是喜歡 I can feel your body tryna come alive, come alive 這就是喜歡 I feel you tryna pull me deep inside, deep inside 這就是喜歡) No I don't wanna lie Ain't nobody gotta hide, no 我可以感覺到你的身體想要變得熱烈變得熱烈 I can feel you touchin' me when we're home, we're old 我感覺你想將我送入更深送入更深 Now I like to look at you, you're like my clone 不我不想說謊 So don't stare in the mirror 不用躲躲藏藏的沒必要 Cause I'll poop all on your party 當我們在家時我可以感覺到你的撫觸我們已經老了 I don't drive no white Ferrari 現在我喜歡看著你你像是世間另一個我 No things aren't clearer 所以別盯著鏡子看 I just want to say I'm sorry 因為我會搞亂你的派對 But girl you should know yourself 不是法拉利堅決不開 These things ain't gettin' better 不搞清楚決不罷休 No they ain't lookin' up for us 我只想說我很抱歉 Kissin' you, I'm up to dusk 但女孩你應該了解你自己的 So paparazzi hush and shush 這檔子事不會變好了 She was in her 20's, just a crush 不沒人會來找我們 But you know I like it when you tell 'em 我可吻你到黃昏 Bring the whole damn menu 狗仔們閉嘴gun粗 And we eatin' in the venue 她20多歲我真的愛上她了 Girl you know you like to ball 但當你和他們說 Chillin' with your friends, nah, ain't see that at all 把全套菜單給老娘拿來的時候我真的愛死你了 Man we like the Anunnaki, God ain't them jokers tall 我們在會場吃完 You can't buy that at the mall 女孩你知道你愛打球 True love, you can't try that at the mall 與朋友一起嬉鬧不我怎麼沒看到
我們愛阿努那基人(一種爬行類外星人) 上帝讓他們誕生即矮小 No yeah, um we were really good in Paris, but you know 在商場你買不到 (No you wasn't!) 真愛非金錢可買到 Every relationship has ups and downs and the downhills are what makes the uphills (ups and downs are for a cissy!) 不是啦你知道嗎我們在巴黎混得風生水起 So when I'm feeling all this pain and feel like she doesn't love me or whatever (不你不知道) (she don't love you cause she with me cis'!) 每段關係都有起起伏伏觸底才會反彈 It's just that contrast, but when I feel like she's the only person in the world I want to be with (起起落落是矯情鬼才想的玩意兒) (yeah right) 所以當我飽受愛情之苦一想到她不愛我 Just contrast with those times, you know what I'm saying? (她不愛你因為她和我約會賤人)
這就是對比吧但當我想到她是我唯一想要長相廝守的人 Man I got some more to say 害 Have you ever had a crush? 心境大不相同了你懂我說的吧 Have you ever felt a rush? Make your heart stop, she don't even like to blush 老兄我還沒說完 Cause she's in her 20's 你有過喜歡的人嗎 And I got a crush 有過小鹿亂撞的感覺嗎 Oh man I got a crush 別矯情了她是情場老油條 Got a psychedelic dagger in my heart 因為她20多歲 Lil' homie, tell them paramedics rush cause she's in her 20's 而我有過喜歡的人 Cause she's in her 20's 沒錯我有過喜歡的人 Cause she's in her 20's 心就像著了魔一樣 Man I'm 15 on the scene, lookin' clean 老兄談談你的暗戀對象吧因為她20多歲 But what does that mean? Cause she's in her 20's 因為她20多歲 I got somethin' to say 因為她20多歲 Have you ever had a crush? 那時候我15歲一臉單純 Have you ever had a rush? 但你知道那意味著什麼嗎因為她20多歲 Make my heart stop, but she didn't even blush 我還沒說完 Cause she's in her 20's 你有過喜歡的人嗎 Have you ever felt lust? Cause she's in her 20's 你有過喜歡的人嗎 Have you ever felt lust? Cause she's in her 20's 她讓我神魂顛倒卻冷若冰霜 Have you ever felt lust? Cause she's in her 20's 因為她20多歲 She's somebody you can trust cause she's in her 20's 你有過春心蕩漾的感覺嗎因為她20多歲 Cause she's in her 20's 你有過春心蕩漾的感覺嗎因為她20多歲 Cause she's in her 20's 你有過春心蕩漾的感覺嗎因為她20多歲 Cause she's in her 20's 她是你全身心信任的人因為她20多歲
因為她20多歲 I hate crushes, I cover bruises with paintbrushes 因為她20多歲 Pour it all in the music now that my bank's ruptured 因為她20多歲 So pretty, she's so perfect, she's so worth it So bossy, she's so assertive, it's super ***y 我恨這種情愫我用油漆刷覆蓋掉情傷 She never texts me, she never texts me, she never texts me 將情感全部傾注在音樂上但我已黔驢技窮 Never texts me, she never texts me, forgot to text me 她美麗動人無可挑剔值得一切 Well I guess we accept the ones that neglect us 她飛揚跋扈鋒芒畢露完美辣妹 And my moms say that we disrespect the ones that perfect us 她從不給我發信息x3 And try to protect us 從不滴滴我不回我忽略我 But girl I hope that you get this 我想我已經習慣被忽略的感受了 My thoughts are weighin' me down 媽媽說不可以對自己妄自菲薄丟棄底線 My neck can't handle the necklace 她試著保護我們 Stare at you while you sleep , you had to call a detective 但妹子我希望你能懂得 Your father says that I'm reckless, I didn't cause all that wreckage 我的腦子亂作一團無法思考 Your fence was broken, I left it, had to give you this message 我脖子脆弱得掛不住鍊子 I wrote it straight from the soul and it didn't make sense to text it 你睡著我會盯著你你還得找個偵探來 So I snuck up in your room, put it on your shoulder and in return 你爸說我粗魯無禮你知道我並不是那樣的都是一些垃圾情緒 You sent me back a restraining order 你的心理防線已崩潰走前我留給你這條消息