- replacer Days Of Silence 歌詞
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- Dont awaken me.
別叫醒我 Theres no hurry, 沒什麼值得倉促 no where to go. 也無處可去 Let me stay here, here in this room full of secrets 請原諒我,於這精神世界滯留至今 where I can play Id be approving. 一直地'自娛自樂',也勉強知足 If I can stay by the window and be in harmony with myself, 若能躲在那扇窗後,與自我和平共存 that would be nice, very peaceful. 或許就可歸於,寧靜的永恆 I like the view. 這似乎是最好的結果 Why should there be somewhere to be so early? 可為何某些悲劇總得過早發生 I dont agree with this notion. 我仍沒法接受這事實 Stay in my house. 如今身處這屬於我的領域 I dont quite remember. 我卻竟全然遺忘 Way out above the house beyond the hill there was a pegasus boy. 遠方的巒峰之上曾有一個會飛的男孩 Who used to sing of the absurdity of his mind, 他為心中荒誕報之以歌 and so reluctant to be confined to something serious. 不願因某些刻薄之事處處受限 And he would laugh and venture down to sit inside the gallery hall, 他始終微笑,願冒毀滅之險坐落在時間長廊 stay by the wall and try to paint what he couldnt see, 在意識的角落描繪他未曾見過的一切 and accidentally conjured me by some coincidence. 便於注定的巧合中無意間賦予我精神 And how I was alive and how my soul came crashing out of the void? 我已無法想像自己是如何活至今日,衝破精神的空蕪 I didnt question it, I thought it would be unkind. 我不敢問他心中所思,這等於直弒神聖 Its just the way that I was designed , thats why I went with it. 他是我存在的惟一理由,為此我苦待相隨 Dont awaken me. 別叫醒我 Were still flying. 讓我們再飛一會 And all the creatures there below us may be dying. 反正身下世界終將歸為一片寂靜 Dont say a word. 請別說話 I wont listen. 我不會聽的 Down in the atrium 深墜心房 that pegasus is trying to slip away. 他卻試著悄然褪去 Does this all the time. 日復一日 I know Ill see him when his business is concluded. 我深知當他結業我們便能重見 Happy to wait here, 心懷憧憬靜候於此 that will be fine. 那也本應快樂 And when its over there will come a sudden moment. 當一切都結束時將會迎來那個瞬間 When I will gather all the poetry and painting 那時我將收集所有詩作和畫予你 and all the waters will go quiet and remarkably clear. 一切不幸都將消失,細水得以長流 Thats how I know that I can stay unreservedly undefined, forever far away. 我終明白為何當下正滯於尚無定論的不明不白與無止境的阻隔
Oh the days of silence. 日復一日的沉默無言 A still and soft defiance. 一如既往的自我掙扎 Is still in here within me. 風由山野上空拂過 Hills and plains so windy. 仍於我左右久未消散 The salt and shape of seabirds. 細水襄挾著鹽味由天空劃過 Another shade of blue. 形成另一道驟冷的陰鬱 Another playful moment. 種種戲謔荒誕的片刻 That I dont quite remember. 那些我全都記不清了 Remember. 除了你 Oh the days of silence. 日復一日的沉默無言 A still and soft defiance. 一如既往的自我掙扎 Is still in here within me. 風由山野上空拂過 Hills and plains so windy. 於我左右仍未消散 The salt and shape of seabirds. 細水襄挾著鹽味由天空劃過 Another shade of blue. 另一道驟冷的陰鬱 Another playful moment. 種種戲謔荒誕的片刻 That I dont quite remember… 但我最終只記得你