- 猴子軍團 Fighter 歌詞
- 猴子軍團
- 作詞:猴子軍團
深度混亂的前線把對手擊昏 如果迷霧太大為世人點盞明燈 We're the high light (我們是強光) 態度從不懈怠成為眾人期待 無邊際的苦海船已靠岸 無數次的磨難身經百戰 把阻撓逐個擊穿 揚帆之後又是下一個奇觀 應許之地在修行之後方能看到指引 我們無所畏懼 因為失敗之後 太陽會照常升起 像一台永動機 能源川流不息 生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒不盡 Fly into the sky we can reach the sky (飛向天空) Where no one's ever tried (我們可以到達那片沒人嘗試過的境地) Fly into the sky we can reach the sky (飛向天空) You can see this sight Fighting until we die (你可以看到我們戰鬥至死的畫面) We are the fighter never surrender (我們是永不投降的戰士) We are champion forever (我們永遠是冠軍) We are the fighter never surrender (我們是永不投降的戰士) We are we are the champion forever (我們永遠是冠軍)
把生活當成戰場 從來不去幻想 只接受來自內心的啟示 別人說的目標太遠 我只想活在當下 一腔熱血在發燙 看見千百勇士倒下 依然不改初心逆流而上 硝煙瀰漫雙眼看不見要去的終點 把內心點亮甚至微弱同樣能夠耀眼 I don't wanna stay (我不想留下) 戰火閃耀在前沿 信條深刻在命裡面 活在最黑暗的一面感受最純粹的光源 Fly into the sky we can reach the sky (飛向天空) Where no one's ever tried (我們可以到達那片沒人嘗試過的境地) Fly into the sky we can reach the sky (飛向天空) You can see this sight Fighting until we die (你可以看到我們戰鬥至死的畫面) We are the fighter never surrender (我們是永不投降的戰士) We are champion forever (我們永遠是冠軍) We are the fighter never surrender (我們是永不投降的戰士) We are we are the champion forever (我們永遠是冠軍)
We are the fighter (我們是戰士)
We are the fighter (我們是戰士)
We are the fighter (我們是戰士)
We are the fighter (我們是戰士)
Fly into the sky we can reach the sky (飛向天空) Where no one's ever tried (我們可以到達那片沒人嘗試過的境地) Fly into the sky we can reach the sky (飛向天空) You can see this sight Fighting until we die (你可以看到我們戰鬥至死的畫面)
We are the fighter (我們都是戰士) We are the fighter (我們都是戰士) never surrender (永不不會投降) never surrender (永不不會投降) We are the fighter (我們都是戰士) We are the fighter (我們都是戰士) We are ,we are the champion forever (我們永遠是冠軍)