- Ryan Adams Bad Blood 歌詞
- Ryan Adams
Did you have to do this? 非要這樣不可嗎? I was thinking that you could be trusted 曾對你深信不疑 Did you have to ruin what was shining , now it's all rusted 我們的愛曾可歌可泣,現在卻已是鏽跡斑斑 Did you have to hit me where I'm weak baby, I couldn't breathe 非要在我毫無防備時將我傷害?我心痛得快要窒息 I rubbed it in so deep,Salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me 在我舔舐著傷口時撒鹽,傷疤上的鹽就像是你在嘲笑我一樣 it's so sad to think about the good times,You and I 曾共度的美好時光現在想起來卻是那樣諷刺 Cause baby now we got bad blood 我們已有了隔閡 You know we used to have mad love 我們的愛本該那樣美好 So take a look at what she've done 看看你都做了些什麼 Cause baby now we got bad blood 我們已有了裂痕 Now we got problems,And I don't think we can solve them 我們漸行漸遠,卻只能眼睜睜地看著矛盾加劇 You made a really deep cut 你做得真是太過分了 And baby now we got bad blood 我們的隔閡越來越深 Did you think we'd be fine? 你認為我們還會和好嗎? Got scars on my back from your knife 我背上還有你捅刀子的傷疤 Don't think it's in the past 不要以為這樣就過去了 These kind of wounds they always last 我的傷痕還在隱隱作痛呢 Did you think it all through? 你以為一切都已過去了嗎? All these things will catch up to me 人在做,天在看 Time can heal but this won't,So if you come in my way, just don 't 時間能淡化一切,卻不能化解我刻骨銘心的痛楚 it's so sad to think about the good times,You and I 曾共度的美好時光如同諷刺一般 Cause baby now we got bad blood 我們的裂痕越來越多 You know we used to be mad love 這本該是奇妙美好的愛情 So take a look at what she've done 看看你都做了些什麼 Cause baby now we got bad blood 親愛的,我們已漸行漸遠 Now we got problems 我們之間開始有了裂痕 And I don't think we can solve them 我們已無法回到過去了 You made a really deep cut 你把我傷得太深了 And baby now we got bad blood 我們的矛盾已越鬧越大 Band-aids don't fix bullet holes 創可貼可不能將彈孔修復,被揉搓過紙張再也不能完好如初 You say sorry just for show 你的道歉現在看來只是場作秀罷了 You live like that, you live with ghosts 你與酒肉朋友們四處廝混如同孤魂野鬼一般 If you love like that blood runs cold 如果這樣的冷血便是你所追求的,你可真是個十足的混蛋 And baby now we got bad blood 我們互相傷害無法挽回 You know we used to be mad love 本該是美好奇妙的愛情 So take a look at what she've done 看看你都做了些什麼 Cause baby now we got bad blood 我們的隔閡越來越深 Now we got problems 我們的矛盾不斷激化 And I don't think we can solve them 我們再也回不到從前了 You made a really deep cut 你把我傷得太深了 And baby now we got bad blood 我們漸行漸遠卻已無力回天...