- John Kirkpatrick dust to dust 歌詞
- John Kirkpatrick
- Digging graves is my delight
挖墳是我心所向 Digging graves for you to lie in 挖好墳來給你躺 Digging graves from morn' till night 起早掛晚去挖墳 I earns me living from the dying 我的生計靠死人 Digging graves the whole day long 整天挖墳樂呵呵 And as I dig I sing this song 挖墳時候唱著歌 To anybody that comes along 讓來這的人都清楚 Dust to dust and ashes to ashes 塵歸塵吶土歸土 And thus I sing my song 我於是唱起歌 Rich and poor all come the same 富人窮人都一樣 I'll bury you all there's none has favour 統統給你都埋上 Don't spend your time in seeking gain 別花時間謀利益 No gold from death will ever save you 沒有金子能活你 Mighty men with wealth and riches 有錢有勢大豪強 Beggars too in rags and stitches 乞丐穿著破衣裳 All end up in the wooden britches 蓋進棺材沒商量 Dust to dust and ashes to ashes 塵歸塵吶土歸土 And so my song goes on 我繼續唱著歌 Some we bury with foul diseases 病人死了惡疾葬 Some will die still young and pretty 孩子死時還漂亮 Death will take just who it pleases 當死之人都死盡 For in death there is no pity 死亡之下無憐憫 Mangled men with sightless eyes 瞎眼死人也有過 Babes in arms and maids like wives 嬰兒保姆也無措 Fit or foolish, weak or wise 智與愚啊壯與弱 Dust to dust and ashes to ashes 塵歸塵吶土歸土 And thus my song goes on 我繼續唱著歌 You might be dancing in the street 你或跳舞在街上 You might be gay, you might be grieving 你或歡喜或悲傷 You might be singing a song so sweet 甜美歌謠你在唱 But you'll not cheat death, there's no deceiving 但可別妄想騙死亡 In the street or in the hall 跑外頭或躲裡頭 Whether you skip or whether you crawl 跳著走或爬著走 Death could come any time at all 活人隨時變屍首 Dust to dust and ashes to ashes 塵歸塵吶土歸土 And so I sing my song 我這樣唱著歌 Death come early, death come late 死早的有晚的有 It takes us all, there is no reason 死把我們都帶走 For every purpose under heaven 蒼天之下各端由 To each a time, to each a season 每年每月把命收 A time to love and a time to cry 愛戀之時哭之時 A time to laugh and a time to sigh 歡笑之時嘆之時 A time to be born and a time to die 出生之時死之時 Dust to dust and ashes to ashes 塵歸塵吶土歸土 And thus I end my song 我於是唱完歌
John Kirkpatrick
Mazurka Berserker
John Kirkpatrick
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> dust to dust
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> Piano Sonata No. 2 "Concord, Mass., 1840-60":II. Hawthorne
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> II. Hawthorne
> IV. Thoreau
> III. The Alcotts
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> The Sleazy-Beat Three-Step
> I. Emerson
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- John Kirkpatrick
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