- 天府事變CDREV I Can't Breathe 歌詞
- 天府事變CDREV
- 我不能呼吸了你們呢
I can't breathe how about you 我不敢相信你的所作所為 I can't believe what you gon' do 我趕緊跪下就像平時一樣 on my knees like i supposed to 雙手舉高大喊別開槍別開槍 My Hands up don't shoot don't shoot 我不能呼吸了你們呢 I can't breathe how about you 我不敢相信你的所作所為 I can't believe what you gon' do 我趕緊跪下就像平時一樣 on my knees like i supposed to 雙手舉高大喊別開槍別開槍 My Hands up don't shoot don't shoot 你好美國,又是我 America it's me again 打個招呼先我可不是你什麼粉絲 showing up for you but i aint your little fan 聽說你叫燈塔國這會你該把你燈點亮了 beacon of democracy go light your little lamp 人民需要正義時你在幹嘛 people want the justice but you dont give a damn 你讓他們跪在地上,雙手放在地面 you get' em kneeling down hands on the floor 膝蓋壓住他們的脖子 get your knee on their neck 這樣他們就沒法說話了 so they can barely talk 現在他們生氣了,他們想要回自己的人權 now they get angry they want the human rights back 然後你想怎麼辦美國 and what you gonna do America 暴力解決嗎? rat-a-tat-tat? '如果有人開始搶劫,我們就會開槍射擊' 'when the looting starts the shooting starts' 美國示威遊行的人,祝你們好運了 America protestors i wish you good luck 我突然有點納悶了 here comes the question im a little confused 在香港暴亂的時期你是怎麼教他們的? back to hongkong man what you taught them to do 你說“香港你們要繼續鬥爭我們與你在一起” you said you gotta fight hongkong we stay with you 你怎麼不跟你自己家暴徒說這話呢 why dont you say this again to your own people 引用一句經典名言“香港的暴亂是一道美麗的風景線” here i quote 'it's a beautiful sight to behold.' 那我現在問問你,你還敢說這話嗎? so let me know was this should i be told? 不,我猜你不敢 no i guess not 你想趕緊平息這些暴動 you want this stop 你可以接受和平遊行但是暴徒打砸搶燒你還接受嗎? you want a peaceful demonstration not the party of mobs 所以美國啊,你不是什麼全能上帝 see America you not an all-mighty god 上帝才不會根據膚色判斷一個人的好壞 god dont judge people by the skin of their color 所以美國啊,你自己一身的毛病 see America you got your own problems 每個人都有生存的權利,無論你是達官貴族還是無名之輩 people lives matter no matter celebrities or anonymous 所以美國啊,你最好記住這一點 see America you better see this 別再當什麼世界警察了,先管好你自己吧 stop being the world police and mind your own business 我不能呼吸了你們呢 I can't breathe how about you 我不敢相信你的所作所為 I can't believe what you gon' do 我趕緊跪下就像平時一樣 on my knees like i supposed to 雙手舉高大喊別開槍別開槍 My Hands up don't shoot don't shoot 我不能呼吸了你們呢 I can't breathe how about you 我不敢相信你的所作所為 I can't believe what you gon' do 我趕緊跪下就像平時一樣 on my knees like i supposed to 雙手舉高大喊別開槍別開槍 My Hands up don't shoot don 't shoot