- Tim McGraw gravity 歌詞
- Tim McGraw
- Look what you have overcome to get here
仰望你一路上的峭壁斷岩, Look at the distance youve run 驚嘆這常人無法企及的高度。 The doubts that youve pushed down 那些你置若罔聞的質疑, Fear that youve drowned out 那些你埋藏在心底的恐懼, When they said that it couldnt be done 每當他們說這不可能的時候, In your head in your heart in your hands 頭腦時而也會恍惚, In your head In your heart in your hands 內心也曾搖擺不定, In your head in your heart in your hands 雙手甚至顫抖不停。 Gravity is a fragile thing 重力卻是個紙老虎。 All of the words that you left in your throat 所有你想要嘶吼出的話語, All of the dreams unlocked 所有你想品嚐的人生, Now you can finally see them 現在都在你的面前, They meet you at your destination 它們在終點為你喝彩, Now that you have made it so far 只因你已登峰造極。 In your head in your heart in your hands 頭腦早已冷靜從容, In your head in your heart in your hands 內心再無半點退縮, In your head in your heart in your hands 雙手卻已傷痕累累。 Gravity is a fragile thing 重力只是個紙老虎。 It dont define you 畏懼的人才會臣服。 Gravity will lie to you lie to you 膽怯的人才會任其擺佈。 Tell them to never let go 那些還在路上的人吶, There is a beautiful valley below 這里風景旖旎,怎能放棄? When you hold on so tightly to the dream 只要你執著的追尋夢想, Gravity is just a fragile thing 一切都是紙老虎。