- 陳一豪Clear Luminous Night 歌詞
- Youn9tun9 陳一豪Clear
- Backing Vocal Arrangement:陳一豪Youn9Tun9
Recording Engineer:陳一豪Youn9Tun9 Mixing Engineer:茶樂Chear Mastering Engineer:茶樂Chear 陳一豪Clear: Search the night Find the time we both to have 我係了領帶 你卻說我傻的可愛 You look so nice yeah I'm sure that you're mine Get on my ride Escape the noise find the place to hide Search the night Find the time we both to have 我係了領帶 你卻說我傻的可愛 You look so nice yeah I'm sure that you're mine Get on my ride Find the place to hide verse1 我抽著煙看著窗外 天邊即將消失的daylight 不考慮虛無的未來 只想停止一天無聊的對白 那把我音響給拉大 你不能打擾的是在下 就鍾意慢慢開 so chill 這感覺像“回到拉薩” 管它現在什麼風向 模糊生活中的重量 偶爾也想感受瘋狂 我和你站世界中央 風在拉綠色的風琴 I feel that 自然的共鳴 老轎車行駛的轟鳴 無言的時候總是動情 hook Search the night Find the time we both to have 我係了領帶 你卻說我傻的可愛 You look so nice yeah I'm sure that you're mine Get on my ride Escape the noise find the place to hide Search the night Find the time we both to have 我係了領帶 你卻說我傻的可愛 You look so nice yeah I'm sure that you're mine Get on my ride Find the place to hide Youn9Tun9: 需要給我一點空隙逃跑 不願意違心不想去討好 Runaway脫離開那紛紛擾擾 只想要做一隻自在的小鳥 關上了房門打開了日記 用那楓葉畫下了四季 看著你笑容牽著你若是 高山的側面看落日 邂逅你是一場儀式 時間是否為我停滯 牽你看最美的海 貝殼上刻下你名字 希望一切回到從簡 陽光下看你羞紅臉 抱歉也許不會重演 心願是陪你到永遠 任時光更替匆匆流轉 當末日來臨我們落難 你粉紅的眼眸我的世界被你佔領 You always be my berry 地平線上相遇 像時空漏洞無法回去 在光影交錯尋覓軌跡 do it my way 把不快全部忘了 世界下墜我們卻在上升 陳一豪Clear: Search the night Find the time we both to have 我係了領帶 你卻說我傻的可愛 You look so nice yeah I'msure that you're mine Get on my ride Escape the noise find the place to hide Search the night Find the time we both to have 我係了領帶 你卻說我傻的可愛 You look so nice yeah I'm sure that you're mine Get on my ride Find the place to hide