- Parra for Cuva Swept Away 歌詞
- Parra for Cuva
- You're on with your life
直面生活吧 Not behind behind the scenes on the street 不要再躲在街角陰影中了 This shadow is broken 這鏡花水月已經離散 Swept away 不要觀望 Swept away 不要遲疑 Swept away 不要躊躇 You're on with your life 直面生活吧 Not behind 不要逃避 Behind the scenes 不要畏懼 On the street 不要退縮 The shadow is broken 這海市蜃樓已經退卻 Downstairs the animals are dancing 眾人都在及時行樂 On with your life 你也應該享受生活 Not behind 認清現實 Behind the scenes 勇敢面對 On the street 奮起抗爭 The shadow is broken 這虛無縹緲已經消逝 Swept away 勇往直前 Swept away 奮不顧身 Swept away 百折不回 Inviting some people 與眾人同樂 Cheap trick (就算)只是廉價遊戲 Aligning your back 身姿卓立 It's all to to see 這就是生活的全部 Trust your body and your heads 永遠愛自己