- The Stone Roses waterfall 歌詞
- The Stone Roses
- Waterfall
瀑布 Artist(Band):Stone Roses 藝術家:石玫瑰 Chimes sing Sunday morn 鐘聲喚醒了周日清晨 Todays the day shes sworn 今天,她發誓 To steal what she never could own 要盜走所有她未曾擁有 And race from this hole she calls home 要從這個她所謂的家中出逃 Now youre at the wheel 好了,你已上了路 Tell me how, how does it feel? 告訴我,感覺如何? So good to have equalised 勢均力敵的感覺不錯吧? To lift up the lids of your eyes 快抬起你低垂的眼瞼看看吧 As the mile they disappear 他們已消失在英里之外 See land begin to clear 地面開始變得清晰可見 Free from the filth and the scum 遠遠逃離了那片烏煙瘴氣 This American satelites won 美國衛星大獲全勝 Shell carry on through it all 她奮不顧身勇往直前 Shes a waterfall 她是波瀾壯闊的瀑布
她奮不顧身勇往直前 Shell carry on through it all 她是波瀾壯闊的瀑布 Shes a waterfall 望一眼高聳的松樹 See the steeple pine 這些山丘古老得如同時光 The hills as old as time 很快就要接受考驗 Soon to be put to the test 要抗住來自西面的颶風鞭打 To be whipped by the winds of the west 佇立在流沙上 Stands on shifting sands 她手裡緊握著一桿天平 The scales held in her hands 颶風把她刮倒 The wind it just whips her away 卻也讓她的船揚帆起航 And fills up her brigantine sails 她奮不顧身勇往直前 Shell carry on through it all 她是波瀾壯闊的瀑布 Shes a waterfall 她奮不顧身勇往直前 Shell carry on through it all 她是波瀾壯闊的瀑布 Shes a waterfall