- Capcom Sound Team SA U大的 歌詞
- Capcom Sound Team
- Where did the time go
分秒消失 Running scared for so many years 心驚膽戰間東奔西走 and now I'm here 現在我屹立於此 I look round but I don't see anyone 四顧無人 Everything I love has come and gone 我所愛所惜皆殞歿在此 I walk alone with a loaded gun 槍已上膛 What went wrong 無需狡辯 There's two sides to every story 正反交織 Don't you feel that the pain of the glory 血泊上建立的榮光 (Gone, gone) 整裝待發 it all burns away 狼煙四起 (Gone, gone) 是時候大顯神威 But how did it go so wrong 一切都混沌不清 Now it's all gone 隕落成灰 The pain of it never end 傷痛無止
洞悉如鏡 Where did my life go 那不是我 I look in the mirror but what I see 這些街道被幻影籠罩 It ain't me 另一半的迷霧下遮掩的秘密 These streets are paved with fantasies 卻被風呼嘯而去 Of what the other half can be 每個故事都有兩面 But now it's flying in the breeze 那血泊上建立的榮光 There's two sides to every story 蓄勢待發 Don't you feel that the pain of the glory 星火燎原 (Gone, gone) 戰似瘋狼 it all burns away 扭轉乾坤 (Gone, gone) 摒棄瑣事 But how did it go so wrong 血痕相接 Now it's all gone 狼煙四起 The pain of it never end 遺忘昨夕 (Gone, gone) 烽火連天 Forget yesterday 尚不足惜 (Gone, gone) 角聲遍野 It ain't worth the pain 痛所不辭 (Gone, gone) 殺戮無休 It ain't worth the pain 故事總有兩面 The pain of it never end 榮光便是殺戮 There's two sides of every story 墮落沉沒 Don 't you feel that the pain of the glory 屍橫遍野 (Dawn, Dawn) 殺戮哀嚎 It all burns away 這不是當初的希冀 (Dawn, Dawn) 無法挽回 But how did it go so wrong 暴斂傷害 Now it's all gone 忘記曾經 (Dawn,Dawn) 沉淪瘋狂 Forget yesterday 忘記憐憫 (Dawn, Dawn) 蓄勢待發 It ain't worth the pain 片甲不留 (Gone, Gone) 傷痛無休 It ain't worth the pain 乘勝追擊 The pain of it never end 不留活路
沒有止盡 (Gone, Gone) 黑暗侵襲 (Gone, Gone) 忘記昨天 (Gone, Gone) 墮落迷失 The pain, 痛不足惜 The pain of it never end 披巾斬棘 (Dark, Dawn) 血流成河 Forget yesterday 殺戮不休 (Dark, Dawn) 永生 It ain't worth the pain 血肉之花 (Gone, Gone) 奈何橋頭 IT ain't worth the pain 永現榮光 Yeah!The pain Yeah! The pain...... of it never end (end)