- NOFX we call edit America 歌詞
- Remember when America
當年咱美國 Had a middle class and an upper class 還分中層和上層階級 That was way before the exodus 那是早在大批人離境之前 That was the America that we thought was number one 被我們視為第一的美國 Thought would overcome, thought would never die 所向披靡永不衰亡 That was just our pride and faith 它曾是我們的驕傲和信仰 Two ****ty deadly sins 兩條噁心至極的罪名 I know faith isnt one of em, but it should have been 曾也讓我信服,但現在都變味兒了 Cause some things are crumbling 因為有些事物一觸即潰 We have no camaraderie, Just a faith 我們本無同胞情誼,唯有信念 Someone would save us form despondence 將我們從失望中救贖 We called it America, woooooah 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah Number one America “美利堅第一!” Was the slogan used 曾是我們用過的口號 To keep moral up when we knew we were already cooked 讓我們在任人刀俎的時候打起精神 Then the richer western states succeeded in secession 而後西方大州順利脫離聯邦 And the eastern ones followed right behind 東方各州也緊隨其後
“墨西哥裔美國人”這個名號 Mexi-Can-America was the perfect name 完美闡明了階層,權力和財富差距 That epitomized the order significance, authority 一切已天翻地覆 And affluence, we had turned it all around 我們從第一直墜第二(哦不! ) Went from number one straight to number two (shit) 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 國家已破產 National Bankruptcy 社會被閹割 Circumcised Society 美國已淪為盤中餐 USA dined and ditched 福克斯報導,窮人將是新富翁 FOX Reports poor is the new rich 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 我們稱它為美國,whoooooah We called it America, woooooah 這就是所謂美國。 We called it America,