- Reality (MÖWE Remix) 歌詞 Lost Frequencies
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- Lost Frequencies Reality (MÖWE Remix) 歌詞
- Lost Frequencies
- Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow
決定好了就動身吧,不管你去到何處我都會隨你前往 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有時的我自己也相信,我所走的每一步都是理性的 I can fly high, I can go low 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我衣食無憂,腰纏萬貫,明天卻是個未知數
決定好了就走吧,無需有太多的包袱 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 有時我相信,泰然自若才是真 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人 I can fly high, I can go low 今天的我能出手闊綽,明天卻要聽天由命 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 明天,充滿未知數... Tomorrow, I dont know,Tomorrow, I dont know 未來,聽天由命 Tomorrow, I dont know,Tomorrow, I dont know 明天,我不知道自己的命運將何去何從 Tomorrow, I dont know,Tomorrow, I dont know 明天,我在疑惑中等到 Tomorrow, I dont know 不去宣稱自己擁有何物,泰然處世才是真
枯燥單調的生活,期待夢想能在明天變成現實 Stop claiming what you own, dont think about the show 貌同實異,徒有殊處 Were all playing the same game, waiting on our loan 仇恨會使你對世界產生戒備的枷鎖,愛卻能打開你心中的枷鎖 Were unknown and known, special and a clone 梅花香自苦寒來,寶劍鋒從磨礪出 Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow 我們的故事會被後人所銘記,斑駁的牆體上滿是我們的光榮事蹟
那來自於內心深處的呼喚啊,在燃燒與熄滅之間徘徊 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 在月光下載歌載舞,這就是我們愜意的生活 Its written in our stories, its written on the walls 我們難道沒有擁有一切嗎? This is our call, we rise and we fall 在世界和你的陪伴下,我們難道沒有擁有一切嗎? Dancing in the moonlight, dont we have it all? 我們真的會被生活打倒嗎? Dont we have it all? Dont we have it all? 我們擁有的一切還不夠嗎? Dont we have it all? Dont we have it all? 準備好了就上路吧,不要想太多 Dont we have it all? Dont we have it all? 有時我相信泰然自若才是真 Dont we have it all? 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人
今天的我腰纏萬貫,明天可能就要為生活而奔波 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 準備好了就走吧,這沒什麼好怕的 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有時的我也相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰纏萬貫,明天卻要聽天由命
今天的我衣食無憂,明天卻可能會為生活而操勞 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 今天的我闊氣大方,明天卻可能會淪落街頭,世事難料 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational I can fly high , I can go low Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know