- HIM Strange World 歌詞
- Is this our last chance to say all we have to say?
這是我們能說出所有一切的最後一次機會嗎? Hiding here inside ourselves, we live our lives afraid 我們躲在內心深處,我們活在恐懼中 so close your eyes and just believe in everything you're told 閉上你的眼睛,,相信你被告知的一切 Cause in this land of great confusion, it's easy to give up control 因為在這片混亂的土地上,很容易失去自由 Strange world, people talk and tell only lies 奇怪的世界,人們只有謊言 Strange world, people kill an eye for an eye 奇怪的世界,人們冤冤相報 Strange world, dream one day we'll see the light 奇怪的世界,盼望有一天能看到光明 Strange world, believe and everything will be alright 奇怪的世界,相信一切都會好起來的
這裡是一切開始也是一切結束的地方 And this is the place everything begins and ends again 沒有機密可查,沒有七宗罪 No secrets left to find, no seven deadly sins 這世界讓我們如此疲憊不堪 This world that we have wasted, has kept us very well 當科學才是真理時,誰能拯救我們自己? When science now is sacred, who will save us from ourselves? 奇怪的世界,人們只有謊言 Strange world, people talk and tell only lies 奇怪的世界,人們冤冤相報 Strange world, people kill an eye for an eye 奇怪的世界,盼望有一天能看到光明 Strange world, dream one day we'll see the light 奇怪的世界,相信一切都會好起來的 Strange world, believe and everything alrightwill be 奇怪的世界,人話談論,有時我會驚訝事情的原因
奇怪的世界,人們殺人,但沒有人聽到他們的哭喊 Strange world, people talk, sometimes I wonder why 奇怪的世界,人們只有謊言 Strange world, ?eople kill, still no one hears their cries 奇怪的世界,人們冤冤相報 Strange world, people talk and tell only lies 奇怪的世界,盼望有一天能看到光明 Strange world, people kill an eye for an eye 奇怪的世界,相信一切都會好起來的 Strange world, dream one day we'll see the light 燒乾這些逃離我雙眼的自私的淚水 Strange world, believe and everything will be alright 我仍然想知道,這到底是為什麼 Burn these thoughtless tears out of my eyes
Still I wonder, wonder why