- 司姚 剎那集Amarantos(女版) 歌詞
- 蘇別久 iFreezy 司姚
- 『剎那集/Amarantos』
歌手:西瓜Kune(男) 歌手:司姚(女)
作曲/修音:司姚 作詞:持風 feat . 鯉小住 編曲:ifreezy 海報:竹醉 策劃:蘇別久 後期:賊恩 歌名:驛書 曲繪:啊玥 PV:狗蔥 出品:日月雙夢長 I used to stand there alone, high above the clouds,我曾立於雲端,孑然一身。 listening to soft whispers of the stars, like forever.聆讀星語,寂入永恆。 I used to travel with the winds, inebriated by the fancy world,我曾御風而行,耽於山川; and thinking that I would never stop, autumn comes and goes, until...轉瞬春秋,不曾停歇。直到... you smiled to me, oh ...suddenly,你微笑,突如其來; you were there, shining like a star,你存在,高貴如星, a lake of diamond, a gentle rain,如明湖,如微雨, a heart beat, I'm losing grip...而我,心似飛蓬。 the time of an encounter,相逢如是, raised from your deep eyes,發於深眸, and hit my soul as I read into them,沸於心魄, the best of times , oh yes it was,彼時如畫。 I wished I wasn't, a dreamer,願,我非築夢者, (I wished) to stay like this, forever...願,此間可長存。
I used to wander in the empty,no one there, beside me.我曾佪於虛無,四下空空, A little word started her long, long trip, from my tongue, then got lost.而舊話行經我舌,漸失其踪。 I used to rope the moon to a boat stern, roving with its silver light.我曾縛月於舟,逐影而尋; And thinking that I would never be tiresome. Rose fades and blooms, until ...花幾枯榮,混不覺倦,直到…… You entered to there, inside my sight,你在此間,撞入我眸, With an answer, hanging (the) silence.啟口應答,殺死寂寂。 A trying step, melted souls into one.輕足一踏,靈魂已識, A crazy hug, kept heart beats alive.狂擁以始,心動以繼。 The time of an encounter — say hello to another world.相逢如是——人間遇見小人間。 It vailed with a waking me,它曾隱於白日, and appeared in the twilight.現於暮色。 I wished I wasn't a dreamer.願我非造夢者, To stay in the world forever.於此淹留。 However, I'm just a dreamer.然,我為築夢者, Stand in the empty alone.(抬眼)四下空空。