- mai predestinate 歌詞
- A feeble light, a faint glimmer of hope
微弱的光帶來一線希望 I see you in the dark as if seeking a star 你就如同我在黑夜裡尋找的明星 Where we grew pain 痛苦蔓延的地方 A cloud of sorrow 籠罩著一片愁雲 Where a love is reborn 愛情重生的地方 To sparkle with its joy 閃耀著喜悅光芒 We through our tears all away 我們拋開一切淚水 Let me hold your hands 讓我握住你的雙手 Everytime, we take the path 每當我們走上這條路 Lead us nowhere 不知去往何處 The destiny lights, to lead us to meet 命運指引我們相遇 [01:30.59] Believe in myself 相信我自己 [01:34.00]That I find you, my love 能找到屬於我的愛 [01:37.72]So I was alone 儘管我是如此孤單 [01:41.45]Nothing I can lean on 沒有什麼可以依靠 [01:45.27]Solitude in the dark 獨自在黑夜裡摸索 [01:49.15 ]We are in journey 在旅途上前行 [01:52.73]Wander around the wild land 在荒野中徘徊 [01:56.46]Trusting what awaits 相信所待之事、 [01:59.57]Place I have dreamed of, Promise weve made 所往之地、所作之諾 [02:09.47]Love will find us a way 愛會指引我們方向 [04:17.84][02:17.01] 黎明將至 Dawn surely comes 擦乾淚水 At the end of the tear 攜手並進 And begin new life here 開啟新生活 Mh hold on together 生活的聲音 The sound of life 就如叩叩敲門聲 Just like Knocks on the door 讓我感受力量和溫暖 Feeling strength and the warmth 想把頭倚靠在你的懷裡 Want my head lean against 傾聽砰砰心跳聲 Embracing heartbeats in your arms 這是我們生活的全部 All it takes us to live 死亡 As we die 出生 As we are born 周而復始 It circle around 它能指引我前進 It may lead my way 然後墜入愛河 And fall in love 相信你總有一天 Believe you someday 能溫暖我的手,親愛的 Warm my hands, my love 儘管我身處寒境 So I lived with thecold 沒有什麼可以依靠 Nothing I can lean on 獨自在黑夜裡摸索 Solitude in the dark 凝視著你的雙眼 [03:48.63]Gaze into your eyes 漫天花雨 [03:52.70]Rain of scattered petal 靜滯空中 [03:56.32]Pause in the air 沒有什麼能拆散我們 [03 :59.50]Nothing can break us apart 拆散我們兩人 [04:06.20]The two lives 命運之弦已奏響 [04:09.50]The String of destiny 相信我自己