- 趙之昂 冒雨 歌詞
- STL 趙之昂
- 編曲:STL
混音/母帶:STL 採樣:Lauv-Paris in the Rain 封面設計:STL/趙之昂 All I know is We could go anywhere, we could do Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in Yeah all I know is Getting lost late at night, under stars Finding love standing right where we are, your lips 你離我那麼遠卻又離我也很近 正巧剛放下筆封好給你寫的信 不覺淚目苦水倒也倒不盡 懶得贅述因為還得向前進 哪怕多年後再寒暄難免口誤叫你外號 想當初相識沒多久便給車換了牌照 我永遠長不大還喜歡惡作劇跟坏笑 我們時常歡愉直至谷底你卻吵著還要 隔閡增多我也想過破壞高牆 與其掙脫不如守著錯愛消亡 愛神落敗繳槍像是活宰羔羊 你我終歸是不必如約過海飄揚 真的走了所以別問“走了嗎?” 把“你”忘了但我心裡一直有個“她” 凱撒沒了爸但必須有個媽 她好傻畢竟她和凱撒都在這才有了家 All I know is We could go anywhere, we could do Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in Yeah all I know is Getting lost late at night, under stars Finding love standing right where we are, your lips