- vision eyes 歌詞 Uyama Hiroto Golden Boy
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- Golden Boy vision eyes 歌詞
- Uyama Hiroto Golden Boy
- Everything goes exactly as I predicted it
所有事情都如同我所預言的那樣發生了 The minutiae is different, I nailed the gist of it 細節有所不同但故事的梗概我都抓住了 Just failed to adjust, baby it was a bust 親愛的, 你抓住我這些無法控制的細節誤差去嘗試證明我的預言有誤. as I was saying craving blunts that bubba's started playing 隨著bubba的調侃聲響起, 我想要改變即將發生的未來的慾望逐漸被磨滅, Somebody save us, I'm seeing futures 能預知未來的饋贈成為了我的詛咒 so what is the use of knowing the truth if no one is going to believe you 舉世皆濁我獨清, 眾人皆醉我獨醒 The curse of Cassandra, my vision eyes reveal all the answers and seem to leave no surprises 如同卡珊德拉的詛咒般, 我的先知能力讓我的生活變得了無生趣 To live and die and circumscribe circumstances, a paralyzing affair trying's a fool's errand 從墜地到入土就如同按照既定的劇本那樣麻木地走一遍過場, 嘗試改變命運僅僅是傻子才有的想法. You see what I'm saying I'm sorry if it's scary or obtuse when you feel you're cruising in Doc's Delorean 如果你覺得殘酷的現實就讓你如同置身簇擠在博士的Delorean時光機裡那樣, 令你窒息或者恐懼, 那麼我對此抱歉 Poppin vodka pouring juice in, demean it sober, tomorrow morning I'm seeing a hangover 伏特加兌果汁, 降低其純度, 但明天我還會酩酊大醉 My gang's growing older they know I'm clairvoyant 我的追隨者們逐漸成熟因為我的確料事如神 I get harangued like gold 我高談闊論且惜字如金, just try to enjoy **** a little 嘗試著去享受這按部就班沒有驚喜的糟糕人生 and it annoys me a little 但事與願違 sans joy, see through time 這樣的日子完全沒有樂趣可言 and skip stones on the River styx 當我跨過冥河上的奈何橋時 and be the first to abandon ship 成為了第一個棄船/跳橋(放棄希望)的人 Chorus (instrumental) Deja vu, mayhap have you been here as well, 似曾相識, 或許你也曾經到此一遊 it feels super familiar, pray tell 一切都是那麼的熟悉 Ever get the urge to take a draft of Mimir's well 你是否曾有想過喝下Mimir井裡的智慧之水的衝動 Trip on what's knitted with a cashmere veil 是否曾想過喀什米爾面紗下面隱藏著何許面孔 Egyptian glyphs, cavern sequence 埃及象形文字, 洞穴中的壁畫 in sleep magic dreams reveal hidden patterns between what is real and imagined 真相在隱藏的規律和魔幻的夢境中若隱若現亦幻亦真 Money I have a secret, spoil the ending, I wish i couldn't see it 貧窮與富饒都不再神秘, 因為我知道最終的結局如何, 我是如此期待未知的樂趣 To me it's no more profounder then mere logic 可惜世間萬物都僅僅是單純的邏輯問題 a downer beyond years as we flounder 世間俗人在其一生中不斷掙扎的種種驚心動魄在我看來平淡無奇 and fought what I thought would be inescapable 無論他們如何努力, 他們最終還是無法逃避命運的桎梏 Like love lost, long term users incapable of forming any action spontaneous 比如失去愛情后, 人們難以振作 laying on the barn and I might got the boon and the brainius 躺在穀倉的空地上彷彿能找到片刻的寧靜與快樂 along side with those who know not what it's like 但心裡卻清楚的知道一切皆不是看上去那麼祥和 under illuminight, more ice, doomed by the farside a little 皎潔的月光下, 些許寒意, 命運就和月球永遠的陰暗面一樣難以抗拒 and it annoys me a little 我感到些許困擾 sans joy, see through time 這樣的日子沒有樂趣可言 and skip stones on the River styx 跨過冥河上的奈何橋 and flip a rhyme with my boy chris 和我的兄弟Chris一起押韻吟唱.