- khai dreams find out 歌詞
- khai dreams
- You've been on my mind as of late
最近你經常浮現在我腦海裡 I think that I'm in love but I don't know if my heart is leading me astray 可能這就是愛吧但我不確定那是否會誤入歧途 I just want to be close to you 我只想慢慢靠近你 In body and in mind 親近你的肌膚成為你的掛念 But you're so far away from me 但是你距離我是如此之遠 We've got no time 要沒時間啦 Forgot I didn't have to try so hard 我好像不必這麼努力來著 But we both know it's not as easy as it sounds 當我們都知道做可比聽起來難 I never know when I should play my cards 我也不知道什麼時候該把信寄出去 It might be better just to fold and not find out 還是說最好折好後藏起來 Sometimes I just want to be alone 有時我也想一個人待著 But then I think of you and I just feel so turned around with what to do 但一會兒我就會想到你然後做點什麼 I'm reflecting on my yesterdays 回想起昨天我幹的蠢事 And frankly, I'm ashamed 真的是尷尬到極點了啊啊啊 I know I've grown so much since then but some things just don't change 我們交往之後我覺得我成長了許多但好像有些事並沒有什麼變化 Forgot there's no such thing as how things are 讓那些不重要的事都消散吧 It's all just chance we found ourselves right here and now 活在當下才是我們該做的 I wanna know if I can beat the odds 我想知道我能陪你多久呢 Sometimes all you can do is jump and just find out 有時候你會大鬧一場來做出表率 You think you got it but there's more on the corner 這並沒有問題但我覺得會有更好的解法 You can't escape your heart 你不能逃避你內心的想法 You stupid thinking always saying that you cannot lose if you don 't play 你總是愚蠢地認為你不參與的話就不會輸了 It's not a game, there's more to life than making sure everything will turn out fine 這不是遊戲,生活有著更多的事情需要找到答案 'Cause honestly it's worth pursuing even if you don't know where it will lead 這都是值得的,即使前路未卜充滿未知 You know you can't escape it 你知道你不能逃避 You know this risk's worth taking 這都是值得的,即使困難重重險象環生 You know you gotta just find out 你迫切地想知道答案 Your heart is always changing 你的心境變幻莫測 There's more to love than breaking( even) 難道戀愛的結果只有分開嗎? (不可能) All that you can do is just find out 這一切只有你自己才能找到答案