- 大支 台灣有嘻哈 歌詞
- 大支
- 作詞:大支
你有freetyle嗎 Do you have freestyle? 大家都醬說話 Everyone talks like this 嘻哈逐漸坐大等這一刻 Hip hop is getting bigger, waiting for this moment 一日樂迷搜刮 The 1-day fans check in 但鐵粉也從那一日慢慢進化 But the diehard fans also come from 1-day fans 別太機車 Don't be a jerk 中國曲風詞彙硬件不同世界 Chinese style lyrics, hardware, a whole different world 身價翻二十倍好多心得 Your value flips 20x, tons of reflections 台灣公司直接搶人大戰是也 Taiwanese labels, fighting over artists 糖糖他們是誰妳先記著 Who the hell is this? Remember the name, Tangtang 黑箱嫌疑?別參加啊若認為只是場騙局 the game is rigged? No one is pointing a gun at you if you think it's a fraud 導師資格是為收視別太介意 The advisors are there for the ratings, don't mind them 選手都超強導師還比較業餘 The competitors are so pro, the advisors looked like amateurs 不然你得像flowsik我韓國兄弟 Otherwise you need to be like Flowsik my Korean brother 將對手是完全屠宰萬夫莫敵 Completely murdered the game, real domination 主辦想要內定也很難蒙過去 The organizers wanna fix the game but can't fool the fans 然後還拒絕主辦合約變公敵 Then he rejected the contracts, a star turned enemy 不陪你玩遊戲 Not playing games no more hook: 嘻哈燎原之火已將市場全面撕裂 Hip hop, lighting the game on fire, tearing the market apart 一直挺胸因為從沒聽過他們指揮 Always have my head up , because I have never ever listened 小心名利魔戒讓你忘記自己是誰 Watch out, names, fames, the lord of the ring, they make you forget who you are 謙虛團結自覺張開雙手換我們展翅飛 Humble, united, self-aware, open your arms let's soar 歡迎你們來到我的世界 Welcome to my world 尊重一點這是我的世界 Respect thisis my world
戴上那嘻哈耳機 Put on those hip hop headphones 太多經典的饒舌是集中那火力怒吼反抗對不公社會撻伐抨擊 So many classic rap songs focus that fire to roar against social injustice, criticising 但在這節目踩到這條線哪可以 But on this show this is not the line to step on 怕傷了皇城內和氣 please let's not hurt the peacefulness of the palace 但嘻哈精髓是道出誰手握著那鐵鎚在滴血 But the soul of hip hop, is to name the one who's holding the hammer, blood drippin' 讓原本要決鬥的人有握手機會 So the two about to duel would have a chance to shake hands 使蒙蔽的被看見嘻哈不只音樂是思想音階 Let the blind see, hip hop is more than just music, there's belief and philosophy 這是無奈制度綁架思考想法很吃虧 Regulation is kidnaping minds, no room for thoughts 勝負只能放在那技巧押韻這種視野 To win or lose, they can only focus on your skills and rhymes 雖然有限制選手還是強到發光刺眼 Despite the restrictions some competitors still shine so blindingly bright 世界是你的但別想用音樂改變世界 The world is yours but you're still not allowed to change the world with music 態度義氣或其他大屌歌應該存在的理由有一打 Attitude , bromance, or whatever manhood songs, you can find a dozen reasons to rap about them 但音樂不該有框架被限制語法 But music shouldn't be constrained by restrictions 期待你刺穿虛假將全中國啟發這比奪冠還嘻哈 Hope you can pierce through this hypocrisy, inspire whole China, this would be more hiphop than winning the chip hook: 嘻哈燎原之火已將市場全面撕裂 Hip hop, lighting the game on fire, tearing the market apart 一直挺胸因為從沒聽過他們指揮 Always have my head up, because I have never ever listened 小心名利魔戒讓你忘記自己是誰 Watch out, names, fames, the lord of the ring, they make you forget whoyou are 謙虛團結自覺張開雙手換我們展翅飛 Humble, united, self-aware, open your arms let's soar 歡迎你們來到我的世界 Welcome to my world 尊重一點這是我的世界 Respect this is my world
台灣沒有被禁的歌曲寫什麼題材都可以軟件還沒輸得徹底 There's no forbidden songs in Taiwan, you can write whatever you want, the soft power is not losing its game 但無腦饒舌的做大有思想饒舌崩塌 But brainless rap is getting bigger, deep mindful rap is collapsing, 需要就算無力但仍橫眉怒視的作家 We need angry artist writer, no matter how tiring 跟風群眾沒啥好說但台灣連創作者也不懂嘻哈歷史脈絡糟透 Not much to say to the bandwagoners , but come on being a writer in Taiwan and you don't know its history? You poor thing 模仿表面攪和短線炒作ㄟ別追潮流要開創潮流 Imitating the surface, mixing shortcuts, come on don' t follow the flow, we create the trend 還有像韓國學生讀中日曆史來了解可能的敵人想法心思 Some Korean students are learning Chinese and Japanese history, to understand the minds of their enemies 爭海島時斷指寄給日本首相超級兇 When fighting for sovereignty over islands they sent their fingers to Japanese prime minister, mad crazy 我們要學這狼性看全球都kpop聽眾 We want to be like them wolves, look the whole world are listening to K-pop 再來態度不是耍屌的同義詞該是膝蓋沒軟過管他啥局勢 Attitude doesn't equal to manhood, maybe your knees have never been weaken, screw those situations 我們能卑微如塵土不能扭曲如蛆蟲 We can be humble like dust but cannot be twisted like worms 嘻哈時代來臨了兄弟們這局一起衝 The era of hip hop is coming, brothers for this one let's go together hook: 嘻哈燎原之火已將市場全面撕裂 Hip hop, lighting the game on fire, tearing the market apart 一直挺胸因為從沒聽過他們指揮 Always have my head up, because I have never ever listened 小心名利魔戒讓你忘記自己是誰 Watch out, names, fames, the lord of the ring, they make you forget who you are 謙虛團結自覺張開雙手換我們展翅飛 Humble, united, self-aware, open your arms let's soar 歡迎你們來到我的世界 Welcome to my world 尊重一點這是我的世界 Respect this is my world