- GHOST DATA thigh high時 歌詞
- Could I chill with you, tonight?
今夜能否與我一起共度寒宵 Let our language change the vibes 用彼此間的話語相互共鳴 Let's take a walk away from notions 別在意那些條條框框 Speak our minds out by the ocean floor 衝著那深邃的海底說出心中夙願吧 I want more of you 想要再與你久留片刻 May I be with you? (Be with you) 我能否駐足你身旁【片刻也好】 I cannot stop this feeling I get 奔流肆意的情感已勢不可擋 When I am around you 每當我待在你身旁 My thighs highs are wet 我的大腿根部都會襲來濕意 So let's make our way back 何不一起回到過去 Let's take a walk away from notions 拋下哪些惱人的規矩 Speak our minds out by the ocean floor 衝著那深邃的海底說出心中夙願吧 I want more of you 我已不再滿足於和你的現狀 I chill with you, tonight 與我共度這寒氣逼人的夜晚吧 Let our language change the vibes 用彼此間的話語消弭距離 Let's take a walk away from notions 別在乎那些形式的談話技巧 Speak our minds out by the ocean floor 只需衝著海底喊出你所想的 I want more of you 我將與你同在 I cannot stop this feeling I get 破繭而出的感情勢如破竹 When I am around you 每當我在你身邊時……