- Quintino & Blasterjaxx 无处躲藏 歌詞
- 海日 Quintino & Blasterjaxx
- 呼麥:Taiga
[00:08.440] Mix by Mai [00:13.193] Prod by Trunxks [00:17.443] 別趴下哥們提醒一下你一定要振作 Don't get down, bro. Remind yourself to cheer up 心中燃著無視水土的烈火 Keep that raging fire burning in your heart 一路向前無所謂那結果泥潭和沼澤 Go all the way forward, and don't care about the outcome 把尊重再次賺回包裡 Regain the respect that you rightfully deserve 清晨八點鐘被鬧鐘叫醒 Waken up by the alarm at 8.00am 一人躲在房間打磨作品 Refining your work while hiding in your room 在你從沒見過的醜惡環境 In the vile environment you haven't seen before 攻克自己才是你第一課 The first lesson is conquering yourself 努力向前撞這次做第一個 Strive to be the first this time 耍藝術不需要閒人陪著坐 A solitary artist with great talent 身懷絕技那孤獨的江湖客 Needs no idlers by his side 沒變還是那雙破舊的AJ What remains unchanged are the worn-our pair of Air Jordan 愛那感覺充滿街頭的魅力 Which represent the street culture that fascinates you 跟節奏把失敗忘它個徹底 Use the beats to forget about the failures 帶思緒耍個漂移粉碎掉焦慮 Let your thoughts drift and worry no more 了解你習慣了自己一個人去單打獨鬥 You know you enjoy fighting alone 在你心裡很清楚人生是場非常刺激的秀 Because you are aware that life is an exciting show 聽慢鋼琴的獨奏係好的領口就別讓它皺 Don't let the collar band prepared for a Piano Solo crease 再閃過機會就別讓它溜 Seize the opportunity when it appears 堅定些bro時日未到 Stand firm , bro, the time will come! Taiga Mongol Humai 深淵中盲目的求救 Crying for help aimlessly in the abyss 你說你堵上了所有 You say you blocked all the ways out 可時間就像是沙漏 But time is like a sandglass 那盤棋你還沒下夠 You still haven't had enough of the game 所有密碼無需破譯 None ofthe passwords needs decryption 只有經歷才能化解難題 Only experience can help you resolve problems 不再重演沒懸念的博弈 Don't replay the game which has no suspense 這次籌碼都經過設計 Design the stakes this time 你被暴雨淋濕的同時還有為你彈唱四面楚歌 Play the song “Embattled” while you are soaked in a pouring rain 陷在逆境走起來的故事拼起來就是一本暢銷小說 The stories of rebounding from adversities can be put together into a hit novel 由你完成這檔巔峰鉅作 Of which you will be the author 電影裡你挑戰驚濤巨鱷 Wrestling with raging monsters in your own movie 片尾時候還要手刃細作 And showing some tenderness in the kill by the end 請你穩定發揮別給票房打折 Please act your part and don't screw the movie's box office! 旅途經歷的那些畫面不要忘拍照片 Don't forget to take photos of the sceneries you pass by 接著一路趁熱打鐵 And strike while the iron is hot 真正的功夫一定不好拿捏 As it will be difficult to play with some real skills 不必在乎唇槍舌劍 Don't care about the disses from the haters 甩給他個完美側面 Just give them a perfect lateral 乘坐快艇不分晝夜 Going forward in a fast lane no matter it's day or night 早晚帶著媽媽去逛一把外國公園 Take mama to the foreign parks sometime.