- BANKS Hawaiian Mazes 歌詞
- I wanna meet tomorrow
Yesterday made me a fool today 往事不堪回首如今無地自容 I tried my best to follow 竭盡全力跟隨你的腳步 But youre moving too fast on your daddy long legs 但你長長的腿馬不停蹄我不堪重負 You say Im destined to live in stories 你說我注定苟活於小說的起承轉合 I cant let go of 2008 可2008年的故事我耿耿於懷無法放手 You say my nostalgia grows when I dont even know 你說我日益懷舊卻不知曉 That the way youre proposin to say my name 你如何怎般開口呼喚我的姓名 I gotta let you go 我必須對你放手 Im letting you know 現在我就讓真相大白 I gotta let you go 我必須讓你離開 Baby now I know 親愛的我現在懂了 You think about our ending 你盤算著怎麼和我分手 I think about when I met you though 我卻回憶著我們的相遇 Dad says Im just pretending 爸說我不過是自欺欺人 Said that Im just scared that Ill end up alone 說我只是害怕孤獨終老 I walked around Hawaiian mazes 信步漫遊夏威夷迷宮 I didnt care I forgot my bra 我不在意不修邊幅 Cause the dragon teeth aint worried about letting go 因為龍眼不會擔憂如何放手 Of the tightness I hold on the rope like a soldier 那如戰士掙扎一般的艱難歲月 I gotta let you go 我必須對你放手 Im letting you know 我讓一切水落石出 I gotta let you go 我必須放你走 Baby now I know 親愛的我懂了 I make myself believe that I can go 我自欺欺人相信自己能放任你離開 That weve been up and over then below 我反复上演老舊的戲碼 For heavens sake would you leave 看在上帝的份上你走決心離開 Shut the door 摔門而出 Let me go let you know why 讓我走讓你懂 Its gonna take a minute to unfold 稍等片刻這難以消化 The way that Ive been feelings overtold 所感所思那難以言說 Telling me why you left and then complain youre alone 告訴我你離開的理由然後抱怨你的孤獨寂寞 And I dont know why 我不知為何 But babe it was something bout the way you loved me 但親愛的你愛錯了 Yeah now I dont know now I dont know me anymore 如今我連自己都搞不清楚 Im letting go and you dont have to tell me twice 我決心放手你不必反復強調 And you should know I never needed your advice 你應該清楚我不需要你指手畫腳 I shouldve known back then now I know its right 我早該看清可是現在才醍醐灌頂 I gotta let you go 我必須對你放手 I gotta let you go 我必須對你放手 I gotta let you go 我必須對你放手 I gotta let you go 我必須讓你先走。