- From Ashes To New Every Second 歌詞
- From Ashes To New
- For a reason to keep on going
希望有理由得以繼續前行 Doors open and closing 一天天來了又去 Everything seems like slow motion 萬物卻冥頑不化,拒絕改變的可能 Ive chosen this moment 但我選擇這一刻 To stop my self erosion 停止對自己的日漸侵蝕 Im focused on owning 眼中唯見擁有與征服 Myself my own opponent 當我回望深淵時,回望的是我自己 But in this moment that is falling apart 但這一刻它正轟然瓦解 I keep thinking 我繼續思索 Is the path Ive chosen where I should start 人生之路的起點,重獲新生之前夕 I keep sinking 我仍向末日墜落 Im dying every second Im alive 活著的每一秒我都在死去 Every second Im alive( 活著的每一秒) Im trying to feed the fire that inside 試圖讓內心之火死灰復燃 Feed the fire thats inside( 死灰復燃) Im dying every second Im alive 生即是死 This lifes reflection in my eyes reminds me 一生在我眼前閃過,提醒著我 The scars made me stronger 我從恐懼中升起 I wont go quietly 以為我會悄然退場嗎? Wont let the past confine me 亂我心者,昨日之日不可留 I dont know why I see 那為何我仍一再遇見 What Ive tried to put behind me 我試圖拋在身後的一切? But in this moment that is falling apart 但此刻之後它將灰飛煙滅 I keep thinking 我絞盡腦汁 In the path I chose where I should start 死灰獨不復燃乎 I keep sinking 燃則溺之 Im dying every second Im alive 殘存的每一刻,我徘徊於生死之界 Every second Im alive( 殘存的每一刻) Im trying to feed the fire that inside 試圖讓內心之火死灰復燃 Feed the fire thats inside( 死灰復燃) Im dying every second Im alive 死亦為生 This lifes reflection in my eyes reminds me 一生在我眼前閃過,提醒著我 The scars made mestronger 我從恐懼中升起 Every second Im alive 我活著的每一秒從未止步 Im getting closer to my grave 從未止步地走向自己的墳墓 Ive tried my best to just survive 為倖存我已傾盡全部 Feels like Im broken everyday 每天都有新的心碎 Im hoping that I make i 空是祈禱,成功尤為鏡花水月 Im open but Im vacant 敞開心扉,心底卻見空空如也 Im closed inside this basement 封閉內心,最為幽深黑暗之界 Time to try to fight to shake it 日復一日,為撼動它獻祭鮮血 Im shaking and Im waiting 顫抖著,等待著,即將踏上末日之行 Still debating on which way to go 蜀道多歧路,不見長風破浪時,但問今安在 Im swaying and Im fading 動搖了,頹敗了,震顫中我隨之凋零 No escaping still afraid to know 自欺欺人唯恐知,逃離之望不復來 Inside my thoughts are racing 思索吧,懺悔吧,腦海中風暴降臨 So Im bracing for a weighted stone 於是我再次舉起西西費斯的巨石 The world thats on my shoulders 整個世界依舊踩在我的肩頭 That I may just have to change alone 改變之路,僅我一人獨行(獨行) Im dying every second Im alive 剩餘的每一秒,我與死神共舞 Every second Im alive (剩餘的每一秒) Im trying to feed the fire that inside 試圖讓內心之火死灰復燃