- B.O.B John Doe 歌詞
- B.O.B
- Seems like your heart stops working
好像被繁重的工作壓得喘不過氣 the minute they close the curtain 到了謝幕的時候 And take off your mask, 取下你的面具 and take off your costume 脫下你的戲服 And if anyone asks 如果有人問起 you're taking a small break 就說你休息片刻 Drinking some coffee 喝點咖啡 But everyone knows what you're doing 但每個人都對你心知肚明 Seems like the bus moves slower, 似乎巴士開得格外緩慢 just cause you got somewhere to go 因為你找到你可去的地方 So you take a few pills in Beverly Hills 所以你在貝弗利山莊嗑藥
如果有人問起 But if anyone asks 你說你有醫生開的處方藥 you've got a prescription 你上癮了 You got an addiction, 你只不過是自欺欺人 Who do you think that you're fooling? 某人啊我只是想說我了解你 John Doe, I just want the John I know 每次看到你手中握著熱飲 Once you put the drinks on hold 那也許你是想家了吧 Maybe you could come back home 某人啊 John Doe, ooh oh oh oooh Oooh oh oh ohooh oooh Oooh oh oh ohooh oooh 每個人都會對有些事物上癮
每個人都能掌握某些事物 Errybody's addicted to something 即使那也許只是一次 Errybody got a grip onto something, 突如其來的責任感 Even if it's just the feel too 也是是兩次 responsible to be maybe once, 甚至成百上千次 maybe twice 成百上千次 Maybe hundreds of times 但那隻會讓你的生活更加勞苦 hundreds of times 你丟失掉了你生活中的種種細節 But that it's just harder to function at times 就好像你有某些東西需要尋找似得 You wasted at the bottom of every single bottle 你的意志在苦苦掙扎 As if it was someone or something to find 你給自己編織了一個又一個謊言 You're struggling in your mind 最後你想到了 And you tell yourself lie after lie 你放低了姿態 And you get to the point 當人們在歌聲中 where there's no lower 歡愉工作時 That people that you work 你的腳步 with noticed the sings 讓一切都鴉雀無聲 And you walk in the room 所以你打破了沉默 And you notice it's been quiet, 你說你一直在健身房鍛煉 So you break up the silence 但還是身體不好看起來並不歸咎於飲食 you say you've been at the gym 所以你還在隱藏什麼? But the way look ain't blame on the diet 某人啊我只想說我了解你 So what you hiding?! 每次看你手中握著熱飲 John Doe, I just want the John I know 那也許是你想家了吧 Once you put the drinks on hold 某人啊 Maybe you could come back home John Doe, ooh oh oh oooh Oooh oh oh ohooh oooh 是的我可能已經經歷了太多 Oooh oh oh ohooh oooh 打消了許多怪念頭
身份地位下降了很多 Yeah, I've probably had too many things 喝的太多 Mashed too many freaks 在夜店裡放蕩不羈 Had too much to drop me 僥倖逃過藥檢 Had too much to drink 我的女盆友突然把我叫醒了 Left the club, ended up in custody 一個女人躺在我身上 When the drug test passed it luckily 我告訴她不是她看到的那樣 My girlfriend cause she woke me up suddenly 我一定是腳打滑跌倒啦笨拙的我! with a woman up on me, 好吧至少我承認 I told her wait! it ain't what it look like 你可以去做最糟糕的事情 I must 've slip and fell, clumsy me! 不要生氣 Well, at least I admit it, 不要說你做到了 cause the worst you could do 這就是你如何阻止我犯錯 Is to do it and not to be mad 我至少沒什麼不同 enough to say that you did it 我愛金錢和名譽 That's just how you prevent it 和聚會上的漂亮女人~ well I ain't no different 我花那麼多時間去成為一個地下音樂家 I love all the money, the fame, 因為我害怕我會為現實屈服 And the parties with beautiful women! 我成為我想要做的人了嗎? I spend so much time as an underground artist 但你在巨大的障礙面前 'Cause I was afraid to succumb to the business 判斷我成為一個什麼樣的人 That I've become? 這是他們如何扭轉局勢的方法 But that what you'd judge I become 或改變觀點 with the greatest resistance 或否定你所取得的地位 That's how the tables can turn when they 我的一生都在渴望 and change the perspective 在生活中不斷體驗 and rip your entire position 一切都是可能的 My whole life I've been dying to wish 當我告訴他們我的夢想 and to live the experience 他們都說這不合邏輯 That everything's possible 現在我成功了沒有什麼不可以 when I told 'em my dreams They just said they were logical Now, I can see it it's optical 某人啊我只想說我了解你 Oooh oh oh ohooh oooh 每次看你手中握著熱飲 Oooh oh oh ohooh oooh 那也許是你想家了吧
某人啊 John Doe, I just want the John I know Once you put the drinks on hold, Maybe you could come back home John Doe