- Yung DZA Faith 歌詞
- Al Rocco Yung DZA
- Faith
信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 All I gotta have is faith 我要擁有的就是信仰 All I gotta believe is me 我要相信的就是我⾃⼰ Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 All I gotta have is faith 我要擁有的就是信仰 Now watch me push this weight 現在看我突破極限 Give it everything 付出⼀切 Feel it everything 感受⼀切 Feel it in the pain 感受痛苦 When the pain gains 當痛苦加劇 Let the mother****er ache 就讓它痛吧 Let the mother****er break 讓它破碎吧 Give it up 放棄⼀切 **** it up 去它們的吧 Got no love 不需要愛 Push it till you mother****ing great 不斷努⼒直到做⼤ Till no more pain 直到再也沒有痛 No more hate 沒有恨 No more fake 沒有虛假 Till there's no more lies 直到再也沒有謊⾔ No more cries 沒有眼淚 No more ache 沒有痛苦 Man I'm tired of the devil 我早已厭倦了那些惡魔 And I'm tired being a rebel 也厭倦了做⼀個反叛者 Man I'm tired 我厭倦了 I have cried and died to a level 我已死過⼀次現在重⽣了 Super Saiyan God flexing Yah 像超級賽亞⼈⼀樣 I got my God blessings Yah 我有上帝的庇佑 Thankful for the hard lessons Yah 感謝曾經的磨難 Giving me what I 've been asking for 讓我得到現在的所有 What's the main game 重頭戲是什麼? Mane aim for the change 兄弟 是為了改變 What’s the main game 重頭戲是什麼? Ain't the money or the fame 不是⾦錢也不是名譽 But the growth 疼痛讓⼈成⻓ From the pain ⻛⾬讓⼈冷靜 And the chill from the rain 始於塵埃終⾄天際 From the dirt of the grain to the skies of the great 戰勝⾃⼰ 你才可以成為最好的那個 Ness if you wanna be the best you gotta beat the best at fighting yourself 看看鏡⼦⾥的⼈ Look yourself in the mirror 最⼤的對⼿不是別⼈ You your own competition 正是⾃⼰ Ain't nobody else 當感受不到罪惡和⾃負的時候我就知道我贏了 And I know I will win when all my sins and my ego no longer felt 每晚我向上帝祈禱給我⼒量 I pray to God every night to give me strength 如果沒有信仰我做不到這⼀切 I couldn 't have done it without his help 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 我要擁有的就是信仰 All I gotta have is faith 我要相信的就是我⾃⼰ All I gotta believe is me 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 我要擁有的就是信仰 All I gotta have is faith 現在看我突破極限 Now watch me push this weight 我不會再等 I ain't gonna wait 我不會再裝 I ain't gonna fake 我不會成為 I ain' t gonna be that mother****er found 那些隨波逐流的⼈ Floating on the lake 不斷向前 Gotta keep on moving 永不停⽌ 突破⾃⼰ Keep on moving weight 時間就是⾦錢保持活⼒保持清醒 Time is money gotta stay alive stay awake 當⼼⼩⼈ Look out for snakes 他們有著各種嘴臉 They come in different races 他們存在於世上的各個地⽅ 企圖接近你 different faces 你的愛⼈ different places 你的家⼈ All around the world they come for you 以及你的財富 And your girl 但沒有什麼能影響到我通過冥想達到另⼀個境界 And your fam 在我所擁有的時間⾥ 盡⼒做到最好即便終有⼀天我將去天堂 And your pearls 只有上帝可以站在天堂⻔前審判我 Nothing penetrates whenever I generate meditate to a higher level while I medicate 在那⼀天到來前必須做到最好的⾃⼰ Gotta do my best with my time while the heaven waits 讓過去留在過去其他的都不重要 Only God can judge me waiting at the heaven gates 不在乎其他⼈的看法 Like Huh Huh Huh Huh 只在乎身邊⽀持我的⼈ Gotta do my best before the day I gotta rest 每個⼈都曾經歷過某個同樣的時刻 Like Huh Huh Huh Huh 同樣的⼀天 Gotta put the pastin the past and the rest don't matter 同樣的晚上 Those who mind don't matter 呼吸同樣的空⽓ Those who matter don't mind 看著同樣的光 Everybody got the same time 過著同樣的⽣活 Same day 我只是在陳述事實罷了 Same night 即使沒有⼈想要聽到這些實話 Same air 他們逃避痛苦 Same light 迷失在遊戲 Same life 對未來充滿恐懼 And I'm just talking the truth 他們掠奪著 Nobody be wanting to hear all that truth 好好想清楚在你開槍之前 Hidden in the pain 信仰 Confusion in the game 信仰 Fear for the future 信仰 They loot mother****er 信仰 Think before you gonna shoot 我要擁有的就是信仰 Faith 我要相信的就是我⾃⼰ Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 Faith 信仰 All I gotta have is faith 信仰 All I gotta believe is me 我要擁有的就是信仰 Faith 現在看我突破極限 Faith Faith Faith All I gotta have is faith Now watch me push this weight