- The Kills wild charms 歌詞
- The Kills
- To the doting boys by your side
那些在你身邊溺愛你的男孩們 Riding roughshod on your starless nights 不顧你的想法,在沒有星光的夜晚一意孤行 To she who played concertos 彈著協奏曲的她 Foul and black 冒犯而又邪惡地 Upon my heartstrings and never looked back 撥動了我的心弦,卻又毫不留念地離開了
這些無法馴化的魅力從何而來呢? What became of those wild charms 是沸騰滾燙的潮水嗎?
亦或是互相拉扯糾纏不清的恆星? The deep fry of the tide 這是如何攪動著我那不安的心啊,它讓我久久難以平靜 The tug of the stars 因為我感到我的激情點燃了一切,並將之消耗殆盡 How it stirs me how it stirs me now To think my fire burnt them out