- Rehab Graffiti The World 歌詞
- Rehab
- Graffiti the World
Rehab ---------------------------------------- -------------------------- You know they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned 你知道人們調侃地獄狂怒還不如潑婦罵街來得厲害 So vengeful and Mother Earth has been done wrong 是故地球母親被無所顧忌的傷害 And I think shes sick, yo shes pukin up lava 我認為她已傷痕累累只能痛苦得傾吐岩漿 Her nerves tremble along fault lines 沿著癲狂之路她的神經顫爍 Ready to drop an entire city of filth thats been forced upon her 時刻準備將施壓於她的骯髒都市毀於一旦 We build these towers of Babel and feel remorse for nada 我們建起座座巴別塔又為一無所獲懊悔不已 The momma divorced the father, the children are droppin blotter 父母自顧離異孩子們無以為依 The rich get richer, povertys hot under the collar 富人斂財無數而窮困飽受奴役 Takin prayer outta schools and we tryin to raise scholars 校園擯棄禱告學生為獎金逐利 Creationism verses the Theory of Evolution 神創與同進化延續無盡的對立 Air, water, land, mind, body & soul pollution 自然、人性、肉體、靈魂皆被污染 Kids steppin on landmines from wars we all losin 無數孩子在我們的失敗間化為灰燼 Were chasin false idols, erasing from our bibles 我們盲目追逐崇拜還將真理一一抹去 The golden rule, the youth are becoming more suicidal 黃金法則被人背棄無數少年扼殺自己 Who teaches them? You and I do, no wonder they want to fight you 是誰在教唆他們?沒錯,是我是你! Raised by hypocrites you feel lied to 你怪不得他們總是狂暴忤逆 Graffiti the land with skyscrapers 被虛偽之人養育你也必然憤恨被蒙在鼓裡 Graffiti the sky with aeroplanes and satellites 用摩天大樓去妝點大地 Graffiti the mind of children with your man-made law 用飛機衛星來粉飾灰暗天際 Graffiti the world I saw the writing on the wall 用你的新情人填補孩子的思父空虛
於那牆上我看見'塗鴉世界'的瘋狂字句 We got ABC, NBC, MTV, TNT, The BBC, DVD, VHS, DSL ABC, NBC,...... GOP, ADD A&E, XTC, MP3, FCC, THC, NRA, GOP, ADD 我們有著上邊各種各樣的信息媒體 The fight for free speech, lack of responsibility 但聽到的自由之戰演說卻毫無責任和根據 Thieves in positions of power, internet pornography 竊賊掌控權利網絡色情肆意 Guns in the home for fear that the next knock at the door could be death 家中滿是槍支武器唯恐下一次敲門就伴隨著死亡的來臨 The terrorists are in the White House and overseas 白宮和海外盛行著無數恐怖襲擊 Racists, separatists, vicious militias 種族歧視分裂勢力軍國主義 Buddhist, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians 佛教教徒印度教徒穆斯林基督徒 Could it be our biggest barrier is language 難道我們之間最大的隔閡在於語言? Or is oil that important that one would inflict anguish 不過是為爭奪利益無視戰爭帶來的苦難罷了 So cars could deplete the ozone on highways 汽車無所顧忌地破壞臭氧 That stretch across the land where Indians once raised families 奔馳在摧毀印第安人家園才鋪就的公路上 Were in denial, the world is afraid 我們否認現實在世界也陷入恐慌之時 And you say theres no more slaves 人們卻虛偽的聲稱已無人再被奴役 Graffiti the land with skyscrapers 用摩天大樓去妝點大地 Graffiti the sky with aeroplanes and satellites 用飛機衛星來粉飾灰暗天際 Graffiti the mind of children with your man-made law 用你的新情人填補孩子的思父空虛 Graffiti the world I saw the writing on the wall 於那牆上我看見'塗鴉世界'的瘋狂字句 Were addicted to planes, trains and automobiles 我們沉溺於飛機,火車,移動電話
沉溺於所有使人淪喪之物並於幻想中生存 Were addicted to addiction, we dig living in fiction 高層為金錢、權力、虛榮便讓士兵大開殺戒 For money, power, respect, the Armys gotta go kill '他們立過誓約,那就讓他們血濺三尺去吧' Theyre under contract so let the blood spill 近乎病態不是麼? 我所描繪的 Sorta morbid aint it? This picture that I just painted 只是我對生活的頓悟是我意識到我們的思想是如此的腐壞 Its an epiphany I had I realized just how tainted 我在紐約的所見所聞驗證了一切 Our thinkin really is while in New York when I saw 青年只因在那該死的牆上塗繪便被人無情拘捕 A teenager bein arrested for tagging a ****** wall 用摩天大樓去妝點大地
用飛機衛星來粉飾灰暗天際 Graffiti the land with skyscrapers 用你的新情人填補孩子的思父空虛 Graffiti the sky with aeroplanes and satellites 於那牆上我看見'塗鴉世界'的瘋狂字句 Graffiti the mind of children with your man-made law 於牆上我看見那瘋狂字句 Graffiti the world I saw the writing on the wall. 用摩天大樓去妝點大地 I saw the writing on the wall. 用飛機衛星來粉飾灰暗天際
用你的新情人填補孩子的思父空虛 Graffiti the land with skyscrapers 於那牆上我看見'塗鴉世界'的瘋狂字句 Graffiti the sky with aeroplanes and satellites 用摩天大樓去妝點大地 Graffiti the mind of children with your man-made law 用飛機衛星來粉飾灰暗天際 Graffiti the world I saw the writing on the wall 用你的新情人填補孩子的思父空虛
於那牆上我看見'塗鴉世界'的瘋狂字句 Graffiti the land with skyscrapers Graffiti the sky with aeroplanes and satellites Graffiti the mind of children with your man-made law Graffiti the world I saw the writing on the wall -------------- -----------end----------------------------