- The fin. Deepest Ocean 歌詞
- The fin.
於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我多麼希望能夠徜徉其間 Wish I could lay down there 毫無畏懼侵襲 Without feeling all fears 如此希望能夠安居於此 Wish I could live down there 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我多麼希望能夠徜徉其間 Wish I could lay down there 毫無畏懼侵襲 Without feeling all fears 如此希望能夠安居於此 Wish I could live down there 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我多麼希望能夠沉溺其間 Wish I could be falling 毫無重負壓身 Without all things I carry 我多麼希望能夠沉溺其間 Wish I could be falling 我企圖探尋蘊含的奧秘 I try to reach out there 我多麼希望能夠沉溺其間 Wish I could be falling 腦海無所顧及便好 Without all things I know 我多麼希望能夠沉溺其間 Wish I could be falling 視野所遍及的 The endless blue 廣闊無垠的湛藍 My eyes see through 與我相互依存 It's holding me or I hold it too 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我們榮光萬丈 We have glories 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我們期盼追尋光亮 We long to see the light 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 命運與畏懼拋擲腦後 We leave our fates and fears 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我們逐漸迷失自我 We lose ourselves 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 於此深沉海底 In the deepest ocean 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves 我們迷失自我於其間 We lose ourselves