- 洛天依 白色身影 歌詞
- 洛天依
- 走過了十年春夏秋冬
彷彿夢境之中 你若夢中人 攜手相伴風雨同舟 白色身影 難以忘懷在我心頭 起初你於這夢境徘徊 努力創新時代 東風吹己丑來 你生命之火燦爛 金色幻影 綻放無限光彩 My Darling I could never forget you I could never forget your bright smile Your soul shines deeply in my heart You are my light and you are my guide You have inspired me You gave the strength to me Whatever you do I will be with you Time always goes by so quickly But you will be wonderful every day Then over hills and crests When the glorious future say hello to the time 夢醒時你已展翅雲霄 登臨壬辰之巔 昂首望你輝煌 夢中美名中外揚 白色身影 多麼絢麗多麼閃亮 癸巳難將你無情羈絆 騏驥也曾遺憾 不言棄不服敗 寶劍鋒從磨礪來 藍色光影 穿越古今穿越重山 My Darling I could never forget you I could never forget your bright smile Your soul shines deeply in my heart You are my light and you are my guide You have inspired me You gave the strength to me Whatever you do I will be with you. Time always goes by so quickly But you will be wonderful every day Then over hills and crests When the glorious future say hello to the time 十年光陰與你相伴 再創輝煌指日可待 白色身影永遠鍾愛 乙未歸來為你喝彩 十年光陰與你相伴 再創輝煌指日可待 白色身影永遠鍾愛 乙未歸來為你喝彩 乙未飄紅為你喝彩