- SIGMA Anywhere 歌詞
- I'll go anywhere with you
我會和你如影隨形 Anywhere with you 我會陪你去天之邊際 Anywhere with you 我會伴你到海之盡頭 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我會和你駛向遠方 We were following the Cambridge signs 我們順著劍橋的路標 Trynna get the music right 開著破舊的五菱宏光 In my shitty old car with the scratched up sides 挑著播些合適的音樂 Open windows all the way 一路車窗打開 'Coz I ain't got no AC, babe 那是因為車上沒空調啊寶貝 Let the radio sing what we would say 讓收音機播放著我們想說的情話 ' Coz Sundays last forever 每天都是星期天 When I got you, baby 當你在我身邊的時候 If you're driving with me 如果你和我驅車前行 I'll go anywhere with you 我會和你如影隨形 Anywhere with you 我會陪你去天之邊際 Anywhere with you 我會伴你到海之盡頭 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我會和你馳騁漫遊 Anywhere with you 我會陪你四處遊走 Anywhere with you 我會和你去天涯海角 Anywhere with you 我們一起周遊世界 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you, you, you, you... 我們說走就走…… I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我會和你遠離喧囂 Anywhere with you 我會和你如影隨形 Anywhere with you 我會陪你去天之邊際 Anywhere with you 我會伴你到海之盡頭 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我們一起到處走走 Anywhere with you 到處浪 Anywhere with you 到處耍 Anywhere with you 到處遊 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我會和你驅車前行 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我會和你開啟旅程 Looking for a pick me up 希望你可以帶我飛 I don't really want to stop 我不想停下腳步 I'm driving fast, got a buzz from the coffee cups 在路上疾馳,喝杯咖啡振作精神 Only filled the tank half up 只加半箱汽油 So I could spend the rest on us 那麼我們可以享受剩下的美好時光 Don't need gas, got enough, we running on love 不需要燃氣,我們的愛情火焰足夠旺盛 'Coz Sundays last forever 我們的每天都是周日 Yeah, I'm glad you saved me 我很感激你煥新我的生命 If you're driving with me 如果你和我驅車前行 I'll go anywhere with you 我願陪你去天涯海角 Anywhere with you 去河流山川 Anywhere with you 去沙漠草原 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我一路陪你 Anywhere with you 到處浪 Anywhere with you 到處耍 Anywhere with you 到處遊 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you, you, you, you... 我們說走就走… … I'll go anywhere with you 我們一路相伴 Anywhere with you 不離不棄 Anywhere with you 共度良辰 I'll ride, I' ll ride away with you 我們一路相隨 Anywhere with you 四處旅行 Anywhere with you 周遊世界 Anywhere with you 吃喝玩樂 I' ll ride, I'll ride away with you 我們浪里個浪 'Coz Sundays last forever 相伴的日子天天週日 When I got you, baby 當我抓住你的心 When you're driving with me 當你和我駛向遠方 You always make it better 你總是讓生活變得更絢爛 Yeah, I 'm glad you saved me 我感激你煥新我的生命 If you're driving with me 若你和我駛向遠方 I'll go anywhere with you 我願與你一路相隨 Anywhere with you 願與你如膠似漆 Anywhere with you 願與你嬉遊玩樂 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我們一路相伴 Anywhere with you 到處遊覽 Anywhere with you 到處嬉鬧 Anywhere with you 到處放肆 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我們形影不離 I'll ride away with you, you 我們談情說愛 I'll ride away with you 我們相伴相隨 I 'll ride away with you, you 我們親密無間 I'll ride away 我們一路相伴 I'll ride, I'll ride away with you 我一路有你