- 完美倒立 @You 歌詞
- 完美倒立
- 作曲:黃晶
編曲:黃晶、 塗業勤
氣氛快要溶化眩暈的時機 At the dissolving atmosphere of dizziness 我們歡呼雀躍擁抱著失語 We cheered and embraced with aphasia 噢來不及 It's too late 夢碎了一地紮進不會疼的肉裡 Dream breaks down into the ground and does not hurt the numb body 噢沒關係 It doesn't matter 這麼不假思索兌換成廉價歡愉 So don't think about it and convert it into cheap joy
瑣碎的面孔裡揉雜著甜膩 Trivial face, mixed with sweetness 吞食虛張聲勢偏執的沈迷 Swallowing bluffs, paranoid indulging 噢我的心 Oh my heart 也沒有任何想要被了解的途徑 There is no way to be understood 噢沒關係 It doesn't matter 我也不知道從此以後要去哪裡 I don't know where to go from now on.
你無限靠近 You are infinitely close 如預言別離的兩顆星 Like stars predicted to be seperated 你無限遠離 You are infinitely far away 如字句都解體 Like words are disintegrated 留下我一個人在這裡 Leave me alone here 留在這裡 Stay here 留在這裡 Stay here 留在這裡 Stay here
你無限靠近 You are infinitely close 如預言別離的兩顆星 Like stars predicted to be seperated 你無限遠離 You are infinitely far away 如字句都解體 Like words are disintegrated 留下我一個人在這裡 Leave me alone here 留在這裡 Stay here 留在這裡 Stay here 留在這裡 Stay here
氣氛快要溶化眩暈的時機 At the dissolving atmosphere of dizziness 我們歡呼雀躍擁抱著失語 We cheered and embraced with aphasia 瑣碎的面孔裡揉雜著甜膩 Trivial face,mixed with sweetness 吞食虛張聲勢偏執的沈迷 Swallowing bluffs, paranoid indulging 氣氛快要溶化眩暈的時機 At the dissolving atmosphere of dizziness 我們歡呼雀躍擁抱著失語 We cheered and embraced with aphasia 瑣碎的面孔裡揉雜著甜膩 Trivial face, mixed with sweetness 吞食虛張聲勢偏執的沈迷 Swallowing bluffs, paranoid indulging