- Croosh My Way 歌詞
- Croosh
- You are watching a master at work
您正在收看的是一代宗師(此旁白引自紀錄片“Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey”,即《李小龍:勇士的旅程》,此句為後來許多說唱歌詞取用)
Nope 冇 I wana do it my way 整活整出我風彩 Nope 冇 I wana do it my way 我整我活我風彩 Hu uh 嗯呢 I wana do it my way 整活整出我風彩 Hu uh 嗯呢 If you dont like that you can hit the highway 不喜歡我這齣寧就打道回府吧
Obviously Im doing something right 畢竟我對得太明顯啦 Id be mad if they didnt bite 啥噴子不咬人不咬我還覺悶得慌 Throw away tomorrow for tonight 明個再愁今個先樂 Some things you got to sacrifice 要得到先失掉
Nice guys finish second place 給噴子當好人只得老二萬年(俗語nice guys finish second place / nice guys finish last,即“好心沒好報/好人難當”) Make a move dont hesitate 順時機變直沖向前 They gon always talk let em hate 長舌自長恨者自恨 But they dont know Im bout to detonate 蓄力把大招放恨者可識此陣?
All you mothaf**kas still ZZZ 這些13 還擱這假睡裝蒜 Only matter time before I TNT 我待會就爆管你睬不踩 Say I wont do it okay BET (B***h) 你說白的別搞歪歌整黑活(BET即Black Entertainment TV“黑人娛樂電視台”,以美非裔青年為主要受眾的電視台,主要節目為非裔群體內流行影視音樂,俚中以此象徵黑人文化圈) We aint even close to the END 還說這麼整沒啥好結果
Always creatine like I live in GNC 我可最能整整個健安喜疊buff一哥(creatine諧音creating,此歌譜曲填詞兼演唱者藉此表達對自己創作及演唱能力的自信,GNC“健安喜”指某著名膳食補充劑品牌,creatine指該品牌所售某種肌酸運動補劑,供健身增肌服用) Groupies all up on me tryna eat my seed 唯粉兒想演狗血劇把我死死追(groupie尤指粉絲中狂熱追星、想與偶像發生關係的少女) But if shе wana f**k she got to be at least еighteen 可姑娘跟我淦活你得先滿18歲 But I dont want to f**k cause i already got my queen 啊不對咱也淦不了我還得回家給領導跪
Nope 冇 Ima do it my way 整活整出我風彩 Nope no way Jose 冇都說冇啦(俗語no way Jose指no chance in hell,強調“完全不可能”) Ima do it my way Ima do it my 我整我活我風彩 Nope wait 冇猴急個鬼 I wana do it my way 整活整出我風彩 And if you dont like that you can hit the highway 不喜歡我這齣寧就打道回府吧 Tell a hatin ass b***h hit the highway 請閘總打道回府吧 Ima do this s**t my way, wait 我整我活我風彩 I dont like how you vibrate 你手機調成震動也吵得煩(vibrate既諧音vibe,也作為動詞與vibe同義詞vibration相關,俚中指由某人發出並致使他人生成感受的行動,與“氛圍”相關,作否定使用有“KY”之意) All that negativity is givin me a migraine 評論區裡喪一片看得腦闊疼半邊
(I need a advil) 誰有布洛芬緩釋膠囊啊(Advil某種止痛藥商品名,其主要成分為Ibuprofen“布洛芬”,可用於緩解偏頭痛) Oh me oh my 我要我要我要 Hear no evil speak no lies 不信鬼話不放騷話 Cant hide it i can see those eyes 有壞心思就別藏我一眼看穿 But I could never be that guy 我們可從來不一樣
These days I got to social distance 這些天在玩社交隔離養成計劃 Stay out the way and I stay consistent 你走你的複雜道我可一貫獨一條 You can say what you want but Im optimistic 就隨你說你想說我樂我所樂 Give a f**k how you did it Ima do it different 就隨你做你能做我還能玩點不同