- VaVa 安逸 歌詞
- VaVa
- 編曲:iLL Wayno
製作人:Double_G/iLL Wayno Hook: 走在雅安街頭你說安逸安逸安逸 On the street of Ya'an you would say it is eazy 生活過的自由我說安逸安逸安逸 Live a free life I would say it is eazy 如果你在這兒你會覺得安逸安逸 If you were here you would say it is eazy 一切都很安逸他們也安逸安逸 Everything is eazy they are eazy 打個電話回家媽媽她說安逸安逸 Phone my mom she said it feels eazy 讓她搬來上海她說一點都不安逸 Ask her to move to Shanghai she says it is not eazy 如果你在這兒你會覺得安逸安逸 If you were here you would say it is eazy 一切都很安逸我過得安逸安逸 Everything is eazy and living is eazy Verse1: Verse1: 早上起床喝個茶 Have a cup of tea after wake-up 龍井普洱鐵觀音 Longjin, Puer, Tie Guanyin 找個舒服的地方坐下 Find a cozy seat 工作起來更專心 You will be more efficient 四川我來自四川 Sichuan, I come from Sichuan 有全國最好的治安 With the best public security in China 感覺生活沒啥子負擔 Life is easy without any burden 聽到李伯清再吃個午餐 Enjoy Li Boqing's storytelling then have a great lunch 火鍋冒菜還有麻辣燙 Hot pot, Maocai and Malatang 朋友約我打一個小麻將 Friends invite me to play mahjong 他說快點哦差你了三缺一 They say be quick missing one player 就想贏我的錢看你狡猾樣 We want to win your money and see your ugly face 四川我來自四川 Sichuan, I come from Sichuan 四川妹子都不一般 Girls in Sichuan are not like other girls 太漂亮男友感到不安 They are so pretty that boyfriends feel insecure 聽到李伯清再吃個晚餐 Enjoy Li Boqing's storytelling then have a great dinner Pre Hook: 歡迎來到大熊貓的hometown Welcome to panda's hometown 可以四處隨便去逛逛 Feel free to wander around 煩惱憂愁暫時放放 Cast your worries away 喝個歪嘴兒讓你走路變晃晃 Good wine will make you sway 新鮮空氣外國朋友來了也都很中意 The fresh air is appreciated even by foreigners 可口美味也都很容易 The delicious food can be found everywhere 跟上腳步尋找我的踪跡 Follow my lead and find my way Hook: 走在雅安街頭你說安逸安逸安逸 On the street of Ya'an you would say it is eazy 生活過的自由我說安逸安逸安逸 Live a free life I would say it is eazy 如果你在這兒你會覺得安逸安逸 If you were here you would say it is eazy 一切都很安逸他們也安逸安逸 Everything is eazy they are eazy 打個電話回家媽媽她說安逸安逸 Phone my mom she said it feels eazy 讓她搬來上海她說一點都不安逸 Ask her to move to Shanghai she says it is not eazy 如果你在這兒你會覺得安逸安逸 If you were here you would say it is eazy 一切都很安逸我過得安逸安逸 Everything is eazy and living is eazy Verse2: 我看過很多風景 I have seen too many scenery 去過巴黎去過東京 From Paris to Tokyo 變得更加聰明 I have been more sophisticated 在復雜世界找共鳴 Find resonance in world complicated 實現了夢搬到大城市 Dreams come true I move to big city 生活變的有層次 Life is upgraded 但我後來也慢慢發現 But I gradually found out 家鄉的味道才更誠摯 The touch of hometown is more genuine 坐巴士到開跑車 Driving is no better than taking bus 橘子汽水沒那麼好喝 Marmalade juice is not that tasty 竹葉做一副插畫 Make bamboo leaves into an art 我的早餐也全都要加辣 Breakfast are double spiced 高粱酒換成了Hennessy Change kaoliang spirit to Hennessy 實現了兒時的fantasy This my childhood fantasy 越來越有名了我發現 Being more and more popular 原來在身邊的還有些enemies I find myself accompanied with enemies Pre Hook: 歡迎來到大熊貓的hometown Welcome to panda's hometown 可以四處隨便去逛逛 Feel free to wander around 煩惱憂愁暫時放放 Cast your worries away 喝個歪嘴兒讓我走路變晃晃 Good wine will make you sway 新鮮空氣不管是炎熱還是在冬季 The fresh air flows no matter if its in hot summer or cold winter 可口美味也都很容易 The delicious food can be found everywhere 跟上腳步尋找我的踪跡 Follow my lead and find my way Hook: 走在雅安街頭你說安逸安逸安逸 On the street of Ya'an you would say it is eazy 生活過的自由我說安逸安逸安逸 Live a free life I would say it is eazy 如果你在這兒你會覺得安逸安逸 If you were here you would say it is eazy 一切都很安逸他們也安逸安逸 Everything is eazy they are eazy 打個電話回家媽媽她說安逸安逸 Phone my mom she said it feels eazy 讓她搬來上海她說一點都不安逸 Ask her to move to Shanghai she says it is not eazy 如果你在這兒你會覺得安逸安逸 If you were here you would say it is eazy 一切都很安逸我過得安逸安逸 Everything is eazy and living is eazy 監製:Double_G 童聲編寫:閔捷 童聲合唱:葫蘆童聲 男聲:王鍾傑 錄音:Double_G @ Yes Music Studio(上海) 童聲合唱錄音:孫策@ 葫蘆文化錄音棚(成都) 混音:xxxRonan @ BlackFlag Studio(成都) 母帶:全相彥@ OK Mastering Studio(北京) 童聲改編自四川民謠《太陽出來喜洋洋》