- Roger Waters Lost Boys Calling 歌詞
- Roger Waters
- Come hold me now, I am not gone
到我懷裡來吧,我依然在這裡 I would not leave you here alone 不會丟下你孤單一人 In this dead calm beneath the waves 在這死一般沉寂的海面上 I can still hear those lost boys calling 我依舊聽到棄兒的呼喚 You could not speak, you were afraid 你泫然若泣,萬分恐懼 To take the risk of being left again 害怕被再次拋棄 And so you tipped your hat and waved and then 於是你摘下禮帽拋向大海 You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again 然後轉身登上舷梯再次回到這鋼鐵的墳墓 And in Mott Street in July 在七月的大街上 When I hear those seabirds cry 我聽聞海鳥的悲鳴 I hold the child, the child in the man 懷中依偎著的,是那個大人軀殼中的孩子 The child that we leave behind 那個被我們遺忘的孩子 And in Mott Street in July 在七月的大街上 When I hear those seabirds cry 我聽聞海鳥的悲鳴 I hold the child, the child in the man 懷中依偎著的,是那個大人軀殼中的孩子 The child that we leave behind 那個被我們遺忘的孩子 The spotlight fades , the boys disband 曲終人散,孩子們早已遠離 The final notes lie mute upon the sand 只剩最後的話語在沙灘上靜默 And in the silence of the grave 在這個墳墓的靜寂中 I can still hear those lost boys calling 我依舊聽到棄兒的呼喚 We left them there when they were young 我們丟下年幼的他們 The men were gone until the west was won 去追尋所謂的光榮 And now there's nothing left but time to kill 而現在只有大把時間來消磨 You never took us fishing dad and now you never will 爸爸我們從未一同釣魚今後也不會了 And in Mott Street in July 在七月的大街上 When she hear those seabirds cry 我聽聞海鳥的悲鳴 she hold the child, the child in the man 懷中依偎著的,是那個大人軀殼中的孩子 The child that we leave behind 那個被我們遺忘的孩子