- DYLN Better Things 歌詞
- I know you only come
對於你的把戲 Tied to your drama 我早已瞭如指掌 You cause a little bit of ripples into everybodys water 你令每個人的生活都因你而波瀾泛起 When all is said and done 當這一切結束的時候你會發現 We got nothing in common 你我毫無共通之處 In this equation you aint adding anything but a problem 因為在這道等式中你只會為你自己徒增麻煩 If all you do is seem to bring me down 如果你所做的一切不過是為了拖垮我 Then I dont need you around 那麼你可以就此滾開了 Cause you aint worth the trouble no 因為你壓根就不值得我去耗費精力 You aint worth the time 你不值得我來浪費時間 I shouldnt even give you any space in my mind 我根本不應該讓你在我的心中佔據一席位置 If you think that the whole world just revolves around you 如果你認為整個世界是圍著你轉的 I got better better better 那我就會找更有意思的事來做 I got better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 Than wasting my time on you 而不是在你身上浪費大好時光 I got better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 I know youre the type 我知道你就是想 To just keep on taking 不斷地從我身上奪走我的快樂和我對生活的熱情 Every piece of me to me its frustrating 這倒挺倒人胃口的 I dont need your energy 我不想要你在這裡 Your bad vibrations 我厭倦了你那糟糕的把戲 From now on I know Im gonna keep on elevating 自此我更加清楚我需要積極向上 Cause all you do is seem to bring me down 因為你所做的一切不過是為了拖垮我 So I dont need you around 所以你可以滾開了 Cause you aint worth the trouble no 因為你壓根就不值得我去耗費精力 You aint worth the time 你不值得我來浪費時間 I shouldnt even give you any space in my mind 我根本不應該讓你在我的心中佔據一席位置 If you think that the whole world just revolves around you 如果你認為整個世界是圍著你轉的 I got better better better 那我就會找更有意思的事來做 I got better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 Than wasting my time on you 而不是在你身上浪費大好時光 I got better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 Than wasting my time on you 而不是在你身上浪費大好時光 I got better better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 I got better better things 你不開心了嗎 I got better better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 I got better better things 你不高興了嗎 I got better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 Than wasting my time on you 而不是在你身上浪費大好時光 I got better things to do 我會找更有意思的事來做 Than wasting my time on you 而不是在你身上浪費大好時光 I got better things to do 你生氣了嗎Hahaha~