- Mazare Promises 歌詞
- CloudNone Mazare
- Clouds keep hanging over my head
密布陰雲時刻懸在我頭腦之上 I've tried to run but I've got nothing left 我努力奔逃但我已是一無所剩 A single ray of hope is all I need 我需要的全部便只是一線希望 That's when I remembered 就在那時我銘記起來 The words you spoke to me 你曾向我傾訴的那些話語
我好似人行道間裂縫裡一粒卑微的種子 I'm a seed lost in the cracks between the pavement 但是你的承諾矢志不渝,從未改變 But your promise is unchanged 我本可以躲藏在我一隅之內的庇護所裡 And I could try to hide in the shelter of my placement 但是你的承諾是我無法迴避的雨水 But your promise is the rain 我好似人行道間裂縫裡一粒卑微的種子
但是你的承諾矢志不渝,從未改變 I 'm a seed lost in the cracks between the pavement 我本可以躲藏在我一隅之內的庇護所裡 But your promise is unchanged 但是你讓我明白,你的承諾便是那甘霖 And I could try to hide in the shelter of my placement 悲傷如雨水般傾瀉於我的床間 But you remind me, your promise is the rain 我努力隱藏但這些眼淚一次次湧上眼眶
我已獻出了我所剩的全部力量 Sorrow's raining over my bed 那時我卻記起了你曾經對我傾訴的話語 I've tried to hide but these tears keep coming back 我隨波逐流,乘著一介小筏漂游在無垠汪洋 I've given everything that's left in me 我正努力駕馭這洶湧潮頭 And yet I remember the words you spoke to me 而你便是我正試圖沖向懷抱的島嶼
而你的承諾是那滾滾海浪 I'm adrift with just a raft and endless ocean 我隨波逐流,乘著一介小筏漂游在無垠汪洋 I'm trying to catch my break 我試圖去駕馭這洶湧潮頭 And you' re an island that I'm trying to crash into 而你便是我正試圖沖向懷抱的島嶼 And your promise is the waves 但是你讓我明白,你的承諾便是那波濤
I'm adrift with just a raft and endless ocean I'm trying to catch my break And you're an island that I'm trying to crash into But you remind me, your promise is the waves