- IDO$ LOSE (ft.IDO$) 歌詞
- 凡清 IDO$
空了的香檳瓶與你勾人心弦的眼神 Champagne bottles and the look on you 形成一道誘人的風景線 What a view 像是迫不及待的 Waiting for the moment to 想對你的獵物下手 Make the move 並帶她離開這個房間 Escape the room 我如痴如醉 I'm feeling tipsy 那雙眼似在偷窺我的內心 Those eyes peeking through my mind 這讓我欲罷不能 Gets me tight 所以我們別再浪費時間了 So why we still here wasting time 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 再靠近一些 Come a little closer 你太知道怎麼做能滿足我 You know how make me feel right 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 感受著圍繞周身的熾熱 Can you feel the heat 讓愛火徹夜燃燒 Let it burn us through the night 夜已深,你卻又不斷地挑逗著我 Midnight you're tryna' get me high again 水珠從你脖頸滑落至胸脯 Water rolling down from your neck to your chest 落到腹部還在繼續往下走~ Down your tummy and below-low-low 你讓我如痴如醉 You got me feeling so nice 在我耳邊輕喚我的名字 Whispering my name making me insane 哦寶貝你怎麼那麼會 Oh boy your crazy-y-y! 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 再靠近一些 Come a little closer 你太知道怎麼做能滿足我 You know how make me feel right 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 感受著圍繞周身的熾熱 Can you feel the heat 讓愛火徹夜燃燒 Let it burn us through the night 혼자가아니라서너가있어서(因為你陪著我所以我不孤獨) 오늘은그냥분위기가좋아서(因為今天的氣氛很不錯) 술을한잔을걸쳐(跟你喝了一杯酒) 얼굴은빨라져(臉慢慢變紅) 우리의거리는좁혀져(我們的距離慢慢縮短) I love you when you on my bed 니가원할때는언제나okay (你要的時候我隨時都Okay) 너의몸매는s line에사람을미치게해(你的身材很好讓所有人無法抵抗) 지금은저녁12시가지났지만(現在已經過了12點) 그냥다른여자들은너의미만(別的女人在我這裡都不如你) 내가표현을못해도이젠너만(可能我不太會表達但是我真的愛你) 사랑한다나랑같이가자(所以跟我在一起吧) 돈은내가다있으니깐(不用擔心我有的是錢) 다른남자보다사랑하니깐(比別的男人我都愛你) 나의손을잡고오늘저녁을불태워벌이자(跟我一起牽著手把今晚燃燒起來吧) All night it's all fine 我失了智 Lose my mind 我因你失去理智 You got me lose 我失了智 Lose my mind 我因你失去理智 You got me lose 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 再靠近一些 Come a little closer 你太知道怎麼做能滿足我 You know how make me feel right 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 感受著圍繞周身的熾熱 Can you feel the heat 讓愛火徹夜燃燒 Let it burn us through the night 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 再靠近一些 Come a little closer 你太知道怎麼做能滿足我 You know how make me feel right 我因你失去理智 You got me lo-o-osing my mind 感受著圍繞周身的熾熱 Can you feel the heat 讓愛火徹夜燃燒 Let it burn us through the night 混音: 王晉楨Kirk@KM Studio 母帶: Joao Carvalho@JCM Studio OP : 景德鎮馨潤影視文化中心 SP : 景德鎮馨潤影視文化中心