- WILD draw the line 歌詞
- 製作人: Tyler Thompson
就如黑暗中的黎明一般 Like the dawn in a dark place 我曾陪伴在低谷期的你 I was there on your worst days 我的內心既疲憊又沉重 My heart was tired and heavy 你最近臉色蒼白得如一張白紙 You just turned white like a blank page 當你缺愛的時候 When your love was in short supply 我掏出了我對你所有的愛意 I gave you all of mine, all of mine 你陷入困境,雙手被捆 You were stuck and your hands were tied 可我卻半身不攝 But I was paralyzed, paralyzed 不能總是得到你所給予的東西 Can't always get what you give 可於我所佇立之處,我已是兩手空空 But where I'm standin', I'm empty handed 不能總是得到你所給予的東西 Can't always get what you give 可於我所佇立之處,我已是兩手空空 But where I'm standin', I'm empty handed 這已經是我的底線了 This here is where I draw the line 這種遊戲我們已經玩了無數次 We've played this game a thousand times 可我永遠屈服於你 But I'm givin', givin, givin, I 'm giving up on always 奉獻出我的一切 Givin', givin, givin, giving you everything 我曾對你不離不棄 I was always by your side 甚至是當你弄哭我的時候 Even when it made me cry 甚至是面對你所有的過錯 Even through all your mistakes 在低谷期的我渴望你的存在 I wanted you in the worst way 當你絕望的時候 When your hope was in short supply 我掏出了我對你所有的支持 I gave you all of mine, all of mine 可是,無論我多麼努力 It didn't matter how hard I tried 你從未滿意,只會得寸進尺 You're never satisfied, satisfied 不能總是得到你所給予的東西 I can't always get what you give 可於我所佇立之處,我已是兩手空空 But where I'm standin', I'm empty handed 不能總是得到你所給予的東西 Can't always get what you give 可於我所佇立之處,我已是兩手空空 But where I'm standin', I' m empty handed 這已經是我的底線了 This here is where I draw the line 這種遊戲我們已經玩了無數次 We've played this game a thousand times 可我永遠屈服於你 But I'm givin', givin, givin, I'm giving up on always 奉獻出我的一切 Givin', givin, givin, giving you everything 而我現在開始半途而廢 Gotta meet me halfway 原本可以給你整個世界的 Coulda gave you everything 而我現在開始半途而廢 Gotta meet me halfway 原本可以給你整個世界的 Coulda gave you everything 不能總是得到你所給予的東西 Can' t always get what you give 可於我所佇立之處,我已是兩手空空 But where I'm standin', I'm empty handed 不能總是得到你所給予的東西 I can't always get what you give 可於我所佇立之處,我已是兩手空空 But where I'm standin', I'm empty handed 這已經是我的底線了 This here is where I draw the line 這種遊戲我們已經玩了無數次 We've played this game a thousand times 可我永遠屈服於你 But I'm givin', givin, givin, I'm giving up on always 奉獻出我的一切 Givin', givin, givin, giving you everything 而我現在開始半途而廢 Gotta meet me halfway 原本可以給你整個世界的 Coulda gave you everything 而我現在開始半途而廢 Gotta meet me halfway 原本可以給你整個世界的 Coulda gave you everything