- 重塑雕像的權利 Hailing Drums (歡呼的鼓) 歌詞
- 重塑雕像的權利
- 編曲: 重塑雕像的權利
一個孤獨的聲音為一場孤獨的派對 A solitary sound for solitary party 它們讓我有些跑調 They gonna beat my tones 就像有些人讓我的肌膚有些不適 they gonna beat my skin like somebody else 一個交流的場所 A place to talk 卻無人說話 you've made for wasting 我想設法找到一個軀殼再離他而去 I kinda like to find a way to rent a body and waste it by myself 我們像你的愛人那樣行走 We're walking like your honey 敲打著鼓和音色那樣行走 Beating drums and bones 並向我那顆雜交的木棉樹致敬 For my blended cotton tree 現在我不再思考明天 Now I start wasting tomorrow 但要把我的悲傷拿來慶祝 To celebrate my sorrow 直到火焰熄滅 Till the flames frays out 他掩埋了武器 He covered his gun 無所事事的人們在歡呼 All the vagrants are hailing 旗幟在升起 They running up the flag 他們把我的聲音漸漸放大 The turning up my blinking amps 試圖去幫助困苦的人們和奇怪的少年們 Just heal the poor and strange punk kids 就假裝去酷一點吧 Pretending to be cool 他們生來狂野不是嗎 They never be surprised of being the wildest one 我們像你的愛人那樣行走 We're walking like your honey 敲打著鼓和音色那樣行走 Beating drums and bones 並向我那顆雜交的木棉樹致敬 For my blended cotton tree 現在我不再思考明天 Now I start wasting tomorrow 但要把我的悲傷拿來慶祝 To celebrate my sorrow 直到火焰熄滅 Till the flames frays out 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards saynothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 人們安靜了下來在遠處觀看為了虛無在演奏 The crowd was silenced watch from the distance play for nothing at all 我們倒退著行走什麼也沒說 為了願景而奔跑 We walked backwards say nothing run for visions at all 發行 : 摩登天空 版權 : 摩登天空